Get Count/Terms List but hide if has no post in an other taxonomy
I got 2 types of taxonomy : Departement / Activity both for my custom post type “visite”.
In the template taxonomy-departement.php i display all CPT visite with the current taxonomy department. Works, i’m happy =)
I added an filter “$_GET[“activity_id”]”, with this function to redirect with the right variable :<script language="javascript"> function moveTo(optionValue) { if(optionValue=="") return false; window.location='<?php echo $term_dept->slug;?>/?secteur_id='+optionValue; } </script> <div class="quick-search"> <select onchange="moveTo(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);"> <option value="">Sélectionnez un secteur d'activité</option> <?php $terms_secteur = get_terms('secteur', 'orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0'); $count = count($terms_secteur); if ( $count > 0 ){ foreach ( $terms_secteur as $term_secteur ) { echo "<option value=". $term_secteur->term_id .">". $term_secteur->name ."</option>"; } } ?> </select>
To get the second taxonomy, i used :
$terms_secteur = get_terms('secteur', 'orderby=name&order=ASC&hide_empty=0');
So i got all the terms of list.But i only want the terms who has CPT already tagged on my first taxonony (departement)…
Same, used a function found on web to count CPT in specific taxonomy :
function wt_get_custom_taxonomy_count($ptype,$pterm) { global $wpdb; $SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM $wpdb->posts posts, $wpdb->terms terms, $wpdb->term_relationships rels "; $SQL .= "WHERE posts.post_status = 'publish' "; $SQL .= "AND post_type = '".$ptype."' "; $SQL .= "AND posts.ID = rels.object_id "; if($pterm!=""): $SQL .= "AND terms.slug = '".$pterm."' "; endif; $SQL .= "AND terms.term_id = rels.term_taxonomy_id"; return $wpdb->get_var($SQL); }
But how can i have the count of the post which are in a taxo but tagged in a first taxo…
Tell me if i’m not clear, bad my english…
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