• Does anyone know how I might go about getting a list of specifically connected posts in the new API v2?

    I’d like to return set of Posts connected to a specific podcast Series. As the connection is not stored in post_meta but the p2p table, I’m unsure where to start exposing this to the REST API and then querying for it.

    Any ideas???


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  • +1 For this, I just ran into this issue and am searching for the same thing.

    +1 also looking for this…

    Follow: https://v2.wp-api.org/extending/modifying/#examples

    Example working with me

    * add field list_chap to post
    add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'hdh_register_post' );
    function hdh_register_post() {
            register_api_field( 'post',
            array('get_callback'    => 'hdh_get_list_chapter'  ,
                'update_callback' => null,
                'schema'          => null,)
    function hdh_get_list_chapter($object, $field_name, $request){
        $connected = new WP_Query( array(
                  'connected_type' => 'post_to_chapter',
                  'connected_items' => $object['id'],
                  'nopaging' => true
        ) );
        $list_chap = array();
        // Display connected pages
        if ( $connected->have_posts() ) {
            while ( $connected->have_posts() ) {
                $chap['title'] = get_the_title(get_post()->p2p_to);
                $chap['link'] = get_the_permanlink(get_post()->p2p_to);
                array_push($list_chap,  $chap) ;
            // Prevent weirdness
        return $list_chap;

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