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  • Plugin Author Joe



    Thanks for your input. This is not possible at the moment but improved geo targeting is definitely something I hope to add in the future. It would be good however to get some further input on this, as it will be a fairly complex feature to implement.

    At the moment, when enabled the geographical IP targeting option shows the visitor to the site eBay items for their country, regardless of the “eBay Site” option or where the website is hosted. This means visitors situated in the US will see items from eBay US but UK visitors to the same site will see items from eBay UK.

    After some other feedback I was originally thinking of improving this so that items are not just targeted by country, but by geographical radius (specified as number of miles/km) from the visitor. So in the example above, a US visitor who lives in New York wouldn’t see items for the whole US, but those listed in New York. The same goes for a UK visitor in London – they would see items just in London.

    If I am understanding you correctly, you would like the option to specify the exact location of items to display (i.e. a city) for all users, regardless of where they are located. So if you specified to just display items in Chicago, IL then both users from the New York and London would see items listed in Chicago.

    Is this correct? All input is much appreciated.

    All the best,


    Thread Starter cin5050


    yes that is correct, both are solutions I am looking forward to. I appreciate the quick response. I’ll let you know if I find away to set this up. I’m going to look at it tonight.

    Thread Starter cin5050


    I found sortOrder DistanceNearest
    “Sorts items by distance from the buyer in ascending order. The request must also include a buyerPostalCode.”


    any thoughts? I’m about to try to work these into your function below. my php is rusty but I’ll see what I can do with this.

    //Client IP - used for Geographical IP Targeting
    		$params_out['aClientIP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    		$this->request_parameters = $params_out;
    		//Hash URL data to get aHash
    		$this->aHash = md5(serialize($this->request_parameters));
    		if($page = $this->get_pagination_page()) {
    			$this->request_parameters['ePage'] = $page;

    Thread Starter cin5050


    Sorts items by distance from the buyer in ascending order. The request must also include a buyerPostalCode.

    how do I include buyer postalcode

    'eSortOrder'  => array(
    	'name' => 'eSortOrder',
    	'id' => 'eSortOrder',
    	'tip' => 'The order in which items will be displayed.',
    	'buyerPostalCode' => '77055',
    	'type' => 'select',
    	'options' => array(
    		'BestMatch' => 'Best Match',
    		'EndTimeSoonest' => 'Items Ending First',
    		'StartTimeNewest' => 'Newly-Listed Items First',
    		'PricePlusShippingLowest' => 'Lowest First',
    		'PricePlusShippingHighest' => 'Highest First',
    		'LocalPickupOnly' => 'Local Search',
    		'DistanceNearest' => 'distance nearest',

    `foreach ($array as $LocalPickupOnly => $value) {

    IDK I couldent get this to work but im thinking you need to do something like this… my php is just sad lol

    Plugin Author Joe


    Hi cin5050,

    Thanks for your comments and for looking in to this further.

    Communication with eBay is not handled by the WordPress plugin directly, but rather by the Auction Affiliate server. This means the logic would need to be first implemented there and then rolled out across clients, which includes this plugin.

    I will certainly look in to this for future releases.

    Many thanks,


    Thread Starter cin5050


    How was this resolved? It still doesn’t work
    Don’t give up that ez

    Plugin Author Joe


    Hi cin5050,

    I marked the thread as resolved as the featured you requested is very much on the to-do list. I’m not one to give up easily!

    Would you like me to get in touch when I have had a chance to get something working? It might even be useful to have someone help test it before it gets released.

    Thanks again for your feedback.


    Thread Starter cin5050


    Defiantly I am looking into DMA district marketing areas that eBay supports for the US and Canada.
    This logic seems to support the features I’m looking for.

    Thread Starter cin5050



    maybe something like this would work
    <?php $geoip = new geoip(‘dma.php’); ?>

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