I was able to kind of get it working
If you can, could you please share what you did in case other users end up in the same situation?
but the output is the GeoJSON code. I was hoping for just the coordinates.
Yes, the stored value is GeoJSON. This plugin can be used to create Posts or Users with WP-GeoMeta compatible spatial metadata.
Also, some geocoding services could return polygons, which wouldn’t work with coordinates. Eg. If you tried to geocode the word “Minnesota” it might return a polygon of the state boundaries.
The admin view of entries should show the coordinates for points though, and if you need to edit an entry you should be able to edit the lat/lng and new GeoJSON will be generated.
If you do need or want the value to be stored as lat/lng, you could use the GravityForms gform_pre_submission hook to modify the values however you want.
Eg. You could have two hidden fields for lat/lng that don’t get set during form submission, and then use the gform_pre_submission hook to json_decode the geojson and set those fields.
That would require some programming, but it is an option.