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  • Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    Can you test with the 0.6.6 update. I made some changes for the category ID to work when options other than All Taxonomies is selected.

    The All Category selection will be fixed in the next update, I repaired the code and it is testing correctly if you would like to update your copy to be ahead of the update.

    Find this line (line 386)
    <option style="margin-left: 5px; padding-right:10px;" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $query_label ); ?>" <?php selected( esc_attr( $query_label ) ); ?>><?php echo $taxonomy->labels->all_items; ?></option><?php

    replace it with

    <option style="margin-left: 5px; padding-right:10px;" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $query_label ); ?>" <?php selected( esc_attr( $query_label ), $instance['posts_term'] ); ?>><?php echo $taxonomy->labels->all_items; ?></option><?php

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention so I can make this plugin better.

    Hi Nick, I love this plugin and it has helped me a great deal, so first of all thanks for that

    I just wanted to say that I seem to be having the same issue as aerojonny with excluding by category/tag ID (I’m running version 0.6.6)

    I am filtering the posts to only show those with a certain tag (in this case a country name which forms part of a custom taxonomy). this part is working fine.

    However at the same time trying to exclude any of those posts that also belong to a certain category (in this case ‘Features’)

    I’ve typed in the category’s ID # (45 in this case) in the Exclude Tags by ID field but unfortunately the posts that belong to the category I’d like to exclude are still displaying

    Perhaps I am just not doing this correctly but based on my understanding of the plugin this is what I thought it would do.

    Thanks again for the great plugin and appreciate any help you can give

    Nick (eSanctuary)

    Plugin Author Nick the Geek



    Just to be clear, you have selected a “tag” term but are attempting to exclude a category term?

    Because of the way the query args are built the plugin doesn’t support this option at this time. You have to exclude the same type of term you selected. I’m looking into options for how to extend the exclusion to other taxonomies.

    Tell me, would you find it better to be able to select a single taxonomy to exclude terms from or would you be willing to use a pattern in the exclude field like

    category: x, y, z; tag: a, b, c; other-tax: m, n, o

    With that kind of pattern I could easily breakup the terms into their respective taxonomies, and even provide an include field for complex taxonomy queries like that.

    Hi Nick, thanks yes, you’re right it is a category term, I wasn’t sure if this would work, appreciate the clarification.

    For me, I would prefer the pattern example you give, in fact something like that would probably be perfect. Perhaps it might seem a little OTT to some (though of course a user wouldn’t have to use it if they didn’t want to) but it would give an amazing level of control (in fact I’d struggle to think of anything else you could need in terms of exclude/include functionality) and for me at least take the plugin to the next level

    If it would help, I am more than happy to test anything or give you further feedback on developing this (or any other) part of the plugin in any way because to me it is extremely useful

    Thanks again for your time and I look forward to whatever is in store in the next update!



    Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    OK, I’ll probably be putting this into the 0.8 roadmap, 0.7 is scheduled for release this week. Then I’ll start development on 0.8

    Great, thanks Nick

    Marco Galasso


    I have the same problem.
    I have to exclude five categories from a widget. I changed the widget.php as Nick_theGeek suggested but no change at all.

    WordPress 3.1.2 – Genesis 1.6.1 (site is in Russian language)

    Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    What are your current settings for the widget? Specifically the taxonomy selection and the contents of the exclude term field.

    Marco Galasso


    Post Type: Post
    Taxonomy & Terms: All Categories
    Exclude Terms by ID (comma separated list): 6,7,8,22,502
    Include or Exclude by post ID: select

    Marco Galasso


    any news?

    Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    I can’t replicate the problem on my end using the latest version of the plugin and those settings. could you setup an admin account for me so I can look it over?

    Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    ok, just a follow-up here, the last issue was a result of a plugin conflict. Another plugin was hijacking the query without checking to see if anything was already being excluded. I’m making a recommend to the plugin devs so their plugin plays nicer with other plugins.

    Hello. Having an interesting issue with this plugin (which is great, btw).

    I have the Featured Amplified Widget functioning in Genesis with the Enterprise Child Theme, linking to one page, with a featured image justified left, excerpt text, and a custom “more text” link.

    I’ve installed WP in a subdirectory, and when I switch everything over (the site is “live,” appearing to be in the main directory), the permalink for the featured page switches for the image, but not for the “more text” field.

    So the image links correctly to but the “more text” field links to (which doesn’t work, of course).

    I don’t quite know enough about what I’m doing to dig into the code to figure it out, so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

    Plugin Author Nick the Geek


    The first step is to disable all of your other plugins. All of the links, including the image, title, and more link are built from the same function, so if it isn’t updating in part it is probably due to another plugin or theme code.

    Thanks Nick. I tried disabling all my other plugins, with the same results. Any other ideas? The site is if you want to get a firsthand look.

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