• I’m wondering if there is some way – heretofore missed in my travels – of creating a generic link to “archives?” What I mean is: I know I could easily link to the August, 2009 archives (/blog/2009/08), but I’d like to be able to create a link which automatically goes to the latest monthly archive (or weekly, for that matter) and updates consistently.

    My front page does not contain a standard list of posts like the basic format would be. It only shows the most current sticky post. Thus I’d like to be able to send someone to a “See more posts” page, but the standard wp_next_posts() function is not working. I am surprised to find that this links to another page generated using home.php instead of what I expected, which was index.php or even archives.php. But then, I guess this is another question altogether!

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  • Thread Starter Tom Belknap


    Thanks esmi. Problem is, this function inexplicably seems to “return” the HTML list rather than an array as one might expect:

    $archives = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&echo=0');
    ?><!-- <?php print_r($archives); ?> -->


    <!-- 	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/08/' title='August 2009'>August 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/07/' title='July 2009'>July 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/06/' title='June 2009'>June 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/05/' title='May 2009'>May 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/04/' title='April 2009'>April 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/03/' title='March 2009'>March 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/02/' title='February 2009'>February 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2009/01/' title='January 2009'>January 2009</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2008/09/' title='September 2008'>September 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2008/07/' title='July 2008'>July 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2008/06/' title='June 2008'>June 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2008/04/' title='April 2008'>April 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2008/01/' title='January 2008'>January 2008</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/12/' title='December 2007'>December 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/11/' title='November 2007'>November 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/10/' title='October 2007'>October 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/09/' title='September 2007'>September 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/08/' title='August 2007'>August 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/07/' title='July 2007'>July 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/04/' title='April 2007'>April 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/03/' title='March 2007'>March 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/02/' title='February 2007'>February 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2007/01/' title='January 2007'>January 2007</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2006/08/' title='August 2006'>August 2006</a></li>
    	<li><a href='https://holisticnetworking.net/blog/2006/07/' title='July 2006'>July 2006</a></li>

    Unfortunately, there aren’t many options to grab an array of archives. You could do an explode() to turn the string into an array.

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