• Resolved Boz2006


    I’m a new (very new) and enthusiastic user of WP.

    Why is it, when I’m looking at many sample WP sites I am presented with margin (sidebar?) text/links etc., say on left-hand side, and then a large, blank, space to the right. I think I have to wait for the page to load.

    No, the text is way down the page, underneath the margin material.

    Is this me? Or my screen size? My browser (IE6)? Or the site designer. Or all?


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  • its the designer .. and chances are youre looking at the sites in ie, right? Unfortunately, some ppl dont take the times to look at their sites in a browser other than the one theyre using. Those that do, and see problems, sometimes dont address them.

    that said, if you are an ie 6 user youre much better off using firefox, it will improve what you see *everywhere*.

    Thread Starter Boz2006


    I can see why designers use Firefox, Opera etc., but I assume that 90% of my visitors will be using IE. Sad, I know, but true.

    So, when I design my own site, I can get around this problem by doublechecking in various browsers. I hope.

    …the lame webstandard / css support in IE.. a lot of developers are sick of the browser that can display any kind of shitty/porly desiged website .. the browsers that support webstandards best is Opera and Firefox / Mozilla .. I think IE7 may have some improvements but far from Opera and FF

    Take back the web .. use Firefox ??

    a lot of developers are LAZY. they use ie’s issues to justify their laziness. Its NOT that hard to make a site that displays well in all modern browsers, and a GOOD designer does it; a lazy designer doesnt. In fact, someone that cant make a site that functions and displays properly in ie, isnt a designer, at all.

    i agree whooami..

    it iw wery simple to design a clean website that is functional in most browsers .. but i recommend to code by hand. All you need is a couple of DIV:s and a stylesheet

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