• Sorry to post a follow-up/repeat question, but my original never got any answers and I may have worded it confusingly…
    Very simply, my Gemini menu shading doesn’t extend all the way down the length of the full page, just the length of the menu text. I have a bottom border to the menu, but removing that doesn’t help: the shading always stops where the text ends, rather than going all the way down the page (obviously the lower boder will be redundant if I get this fixed). When I run Root’s original Gemini css (and the original Gemini index.php) I still get the same problem after adding shading, so I don’t think it’s to do with anything I’ve added since installing it.
    Weirdly, the Gemini layout Root is running on the main Gemini page does what I want mine to do: the menu shading runs the full length of the main body. This is exactly what I want mine to do, but I’m stumped.
    My .css is at https://www.bwventril.com/weblog/wp-layout.css
    Site itself at https://www.bwventril.com/weblog
    As ever, thanks in advance (especially to Root, if he has time to help).

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  • bewentril in the Gemini interface the menu bg is in fact a graphic bg1 which needs to be installed in wp-images. That way it will tile all the way down. Assuming you havent *edited* the CSS ?? Put any borders needed on the graphic.

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Hhhhmmm… so even if I just want a simple grey background to my menu which goes all the way down the page, I need to add a grey image to my wp-images directory? How do I then define this as my background image for the menu? Sorry to be so dim here, and thanks for the amazingly fast reply. Gemini has otherwise been a delight to work with.

    Well the menu bg image is set lower in the z index. If you look at the default Gemini CSS you will see it is in fact in #rap as I recall. That way it tiles all the way down.

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Thanks a whole bunch! I’ll give it a try.

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Okay, I admit I am totally at a loss! I’ve put a file called bg1 in my wp-images directory (as a jpg not a gif, though I assume that doesn’t matter so long as I get the file name right). My #rap already has this line:
    background: #ffffff url(‘wp-images/bg1.gif’) repeat-y right;
    When I get rid of the #ffffff and put the right file name in I get that as the background for the main page. What do I put in for the menu background? I have no idea who or what a “z index” is, having less than a month of .css under my belt!

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Quick follow-up: I think I’ve got it. There are messy issues re: padding now, but I can play around with that. Thanks!

    It always makes me nervous when I see the phrase *get rid of*. That line of code is as it should be for a very good reason. The only thing you should do is change gif to jpg (although I would advise altering the image to gif). Although it is being set in rap it is in fact the menu bg. It is basic CSS positioning. Please do not fiddle with it ??

    Put any menu padding in #nav not in #menu or the layout will bork across platform.

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Okay, I’ve definitely got it. And actually realizing *how* you’d designed the menu background was a real revelation: this makes perfect sense now and it’s much more elegant than how I had thought it was done. Moving the menu padding to #nav has also solved a long-standing problem for me, so thanks for that unsolicited tip. All very much appreciated!

    Thread Starter bwventril


    One resulting problem I just noticed: Is there a way to move my footer lower? Right now it’s hovering slightly above the bottom of the body (though not on my comments page). There’s always one thing left to do!

    Well I like my footer to be pixel perfect as some folks know. I know what you are referring to. In my browser it comes and goes. This is a long standing problem – and frankly I am baffled .According to the code it should not do that at all. Go figure. ??

    as i recall you must use the .css file from his page
    AND use his modified index.php
    and in fact you also need to use the bg1.gif you added to your wp-images folder, because the .css file calls for this specific file
    here are the instructions

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Root: well, I guess I’ll have to learn to live with a pixel’s worth of imperfection… ah well! If anyone else has had any success at least doing things that would hide/obscure this problem I’m all ears. I’ll see what it looks like without borders. (And thanks for the tips Juanso… I seem to be all set with the previous problem.)

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Weird… it looks fine in IE, though not in Firefox. Is this a world first?

    Thread Starter bwventril


    Root: I notice that your footer looks absolutely fine (dare I say stunningly elegant?) in your own Gemini page, no matter which browser I use. Is there anything particular that got around the problem? Maybe the height of the footer? Nothing I’ve tried has worked (absence or presence of borders, that sort of thing). Not that I’m being driven slowly insane by the fact that it only looks bad in the one good browser out there…

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