• I am having problems with The Gemer Theme. I would like to employ it into my blog, but everytime I preview it, the thumbnails do not show up and the slideshow showing featured posts is all out of wack. How do I further manipulate this theme so it can, like, WORK? Please help! I’ll be back every day until I hear a response. Thank you very much.


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  • Open up the theme folder and modify the PHP files. It’s mostly that. They’re clearly labeled with the themes and different sections. Also read up on PHP, CSS and what not, because that would help you understand how it’s structured. Most websites/blogs/cms are built on templates, so you create a main page (index) which pulls from different ares (header, body, footer, sidebar, etc…)

    Can anyone copy the right sidebar code for this theme? I deleted it by error? https://www.inversioncultural.com

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