Hi @janalwin
Thanks I will see what I can do.
Currently the plugin already has an hourly wp_cron job which will check the aiowps DB tables and if there are over 5000 records in a particular table it will delete the oldest records and keep the newest 5000. The number of records to keep per table is adjustable via use of the following filters:
$max_rows_event_table = apply_filters( 'aiowps_max_rows_event_table', $max_rows_event_table );
$max_rows_failed_logins_table = apply_filters( 'aiowps_max_rows_failed_logins_table', $max_rows_failed_logins_table );
$max_rows_login_activity_table = apply_filters( 'aiowps_max_rows_login_attempts_table', $max_rows_login_activity_table );
$max_rows_global_meta_table = apply_filters( 'aiowps_max_rows_global_meta_table', $max_rows_global_meta_table );