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  • Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hey @flizzywp,

    Hope you’re well.

    Smush is not storing any personal data. While compressing your image it sends the images to our servers. But after compress and send back to your site our servers deletes your images. So nothing left on our servers.


    Hi there @flizzywp! Just wanted to let you know we just released an update that uses the new hooks provided in WordPress 4.9.6 for simply updating your sites privacy policy if you are still working on GDPR compliance. As Oguz noted Smush does not store any information, but this update will help with transparency and can be used to easily explain the tool to your end-users. Thank you again for using Smush. ??

    Hi there,
    thanks for this Update!
    Just one noitce: I use an individual site for my Data policy and your explanation about smush only comes up if you use the wp-data-policy site.
    So it would be gerat, if you could provide the text elsewhere to copy for users who also don’t use the wp-site ??

    Thanks & have a great day

    Oh sorry,
    just found out, that the text is visible in the GDPR-Guide – didn’t notice this feature yet ??

    GDPR is just driving me crazy…

    Anyone else stumbling upon this, we’ve updated it in plugin readme as well under Privacy.

    Smush does not interact with end users on your website. The only input option Smush has is to a newsletter subscription for site admins only.

    Smush uses a third-party email service (Drip) to send informational emails ( Opt-in) to the site administrator. The administrator’s email address is sent to Drip and a cookie is set by the service. Only administrator information is collected by Drip.

    Smush sends images to the WPMU DEV servers to optimize them for web use. This includes the transfer of EXIF data. The EXIF data will either be stripped or returned as it is. It is not stored on the WPMU DEV servers.

    Thanks, Umesh

    Thread Starter flizzywp


    So I don’t have to put any of this into my Privacy Policy?

    @flizzywp, No. If users aren’t uploading images to your site, you don’t need to add anything to your privacy policy regarding Smush.

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