your line “drinks coffee* makes me wonder if you were interested in a discussion at all.
I am interested in discussion. That was an attempt at humor. So was “I hope not!” with an exclamation point. I’m sorry that was lost on you.
but don’t you think it would be something positiv if developer, who make this extra effort and let review the updates too (by whomever) would be rewareded?
No, I don’t think it would be positive at all. I believe that lead to developers gaming that system to dupe users with a meaningless tag. By “gaming” I mean that some authors will add that just to get clicks without any knowledge of what that even means.
And since the new laws are pretty strict it would force all users – even none-commercials and users with no programming-skills to review EVERY single update and garantuee to their users that everything is ok? Wouldn’t that be the death of a lot of free and hobby blogs and even small businesses?
Not even a little death. I think you really need to review and understand those requirements. That’s part is not a topic for these forums and the EU has better places to look at that.
GDPR and DSGVO are serious topics and relying on free open source authors to do your work for you is a poor decision. There are no service level guarantees or warranty of any kind for any software on this site.
If you download and use a plugin or theme that claims compliance and it is not, then the author is not the one to deal with the consequences. You are responsible and held accountable. It is your site after all.
No tag here will change that. Adding that as a feature will just help propagate a misunderstanding and put the burden of that compliance on the wrong people.
Give this topic a read.
There’s a lot of incorrect ideas about GDPR out there and what software developers need to do for that compliance.
Unfortunately, if any user has a concern about that then they should consult people who can answer that question with authority and a guarantee. That does mean code review sometimes and that does mean paying someone or company for that service.