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  • Thank you, I though that it was my site that I messed up. Every Post that uses gview no longer displays the contents of the URL. Space is allocated and the download link is placed just below where the displayed PDF use to end.

    Starting to look for another document dis-player.

    Thread Starter usabilityboy


    I hope it’s a straightforward bugfix. (Dan are you there?) Somewhat relieved it’s not just me.

    I prefer gview to PDF Embedder, at this point. It’s been rock solid until now. Wondering if it’s a memory issue.

    The only enhancement I’d suggest is a static no scrolling view for mobile.

    Seems to have suddenly stopped working. Has google changed their terms on the api or is it an incompatibility with the current version of wordpress?

    Thread Starter usabilityboy


    Similar behaviour with PDF Embedder

    crap.. 90 minutes trying to de-bug why Google failed again. I guess I wasn’t offering any ad-space in my blog for Google? ha. This points to the nature of ‘free’ for use software. You get nothing, actually, except for participating in Google’s billionaire party.

    right so as it stands there is no pdf embedder. maybe there is a dropbox solution? anyone else solved this in a different way?

    Plugin Contributor danlester


    Thank you all for posting.

    It sounds like Google’s viewer was down for a while, but every site I’ve checked seems to be working now.

    Unfortunately, that’s the problem with relying on a (free) third party service – Google are in a position to change their viewer at any time, or of course it can be unavailable.

    That was the reason for creating the PDF Embedder plugin. It doesn’t rely on any third-party service, so if it does break, it must be something on your site that has changed. This gives you much more control.

    (usabilityboy, it must be a coincidence that your PDF Embedder wasn’t working either, or perhaps you were serving the PDF from Google Drive. If you are still having issues, I would be very happy to help track them down – please email me [email protected])

    Anyway, hopefully most of you are back on track now, but please get in touch if you believe you have a problem specific to your site.

    Unfortunately, if Google’s viewer goes down again there’s nothing much we can do other than inform Google, if they are listening.



    Hi Dan and others,

    6 hours on from the last post stating that problem is resolved, my experience is this problem is still persisting. On my site on the pages which use GDE to display PDFs, the PDFs sometimes are displayed and sometimes ( with the exact same URL and all other conditions being the same ) are not seems random.

    It is the same problem as described by other users the place where the document should be displayed there is just a blank space and the link to download the PDF still appears underneath.

    Is this just a temporary issue or is it a sign that in the long-term GDE is unreliable ?

    I’m running WP 4.4.1 and GDE 2.6.

    Some links to pages on my site using GDE:

    As noted above, sometimes the docs are displayed successfully, sometimes not.

    I also see that the original poster’s ( usabilityboy) site is still experiencing this problem and like me, his document sometimes appears, sometimes not at url:

    Thread Starter usabilityboy


    Problem solved. Thanks to everyone for your posting.

    We’re back in business this morning. i purged the page caches and presto! PDF goodness.

    dublin_dara was probably viewing a cached page earlier. looks ok now. arthritis-research-uk-exercise-sheets

    Now, let me get this dependence on google services straight. Even though shortcode urls point to files in one’s wordpress media library, actual display of the preview by GDE, in the body of a post, requires the co-operation of google service? while the PDF Embedder plugin does all this independently?

    it appears that I found my problem. I am able to get my PDF’s to display again (their intermittent display) after I deactivated and deleted the Google Drive Embedded plug-in. Assuming that was the real problem Google needs to work on the upload permissions, since all my document are currently on the website. With that they should be allowed to display.

    Yep, ours is ok now too eg but as did dublin because we run rocket cache i had to clear that, though it would auto clear after a couple of days anyway. Glad it was temporary.

    Hi All, I believe this thread shouldnt be marked as resolved as it isn’t..I am still experiencing the same random behaviour..sometimes PDFs are displayed and sometimes not..see my post above for the URLs.
    In addition usabilityboy and Jeremy Dawes above have reported that their sites are now working fine but I tested their pages and their documents are displaying only 50% of the time in my experience.
    For usabilityboy’s page, I opened it 4 times: 2 times it displayed correctly, 1 time there was a blank space and 1 time a message said ‘No Preview available’ ( I can provide screenshots if you wish ).
    On Jeremy’s page out of 10 attempts, only 5 were successful, the other 5 there was only a blank space where the document should have been embedded.
    @danlester is this problem fixable ?

    Plugin Contributor danlester


    Thank you for all the updates.

    Hopefully, for those who don’t want to change the way they are embedding documents, Google has restored the service but it is taking some time to roll out fully. It is possible they run their own cache of the files or display, and maybe that has been intermittent as the service is restored.

    This plugin (Google Document Embedder) relies on Google’s free viewer service which has generally worked well for many years, but of course there is no guarantee that Google will continue to keep it running. It seems that (mostly) they do for now.

    There are also limits in the number of views (or bandwidth) that they are happy to serve to the same person.

    The files are stored on your WordPress server, but the rendering is done by a Google service that first fetches the file from your server.

    For greater stability, I would recommend the following two plugins:

    1. Google Drive Embedder

    This uses similar technology to the Google Document Embedder plugin, but your files are hosted on Google Drive’s service already (saving your own bandwidth too). More importantly, it can be a paid service (through Google Apps), and crucially it is not anonymous to use. (Google’s Document viewer, used by Google Document Embedder, is completely anonymous in the sense that Google doesn’t know who is viewing or who is serving the file – and this gives a completely different sense of obligation from Google’s point of view, I believe.)

    You would share your file as ‘Anyone with the link can view’ in Google Drive itself to ensure all your users are allowed to see the file.

    Note this plugin requires you to configure the Google Apps Login plugin in addition – a relatively simple process.

    2. PDF Embedder

    This embeds PDFs in your site, entirely hosted within your server, using Javascript code that is also entirely hosted by your server. This means it does not rely on any third party such as Google to display it. If it ‘breaks’, that means something on your site has changed.

    I hope this helps. If anyone wants to chase Google on the issues you’ve been seeing with the free and anonymous Google document viewer, feel free, but I don’t personally think it makes sense. They are unlikely to offer direct support for such services, and that is entirely fair.

    Let’s give it a few days, and if things don’t seem to be better with the document viewer, we can at least warn users what to expect and they can make the call of switching.

    I don’t feel it is productive for us to continue to post “hold on, it works right now, no it doesn’t” messages – or at least I won’t feel obliged to respond if that’s OK ?? Others are welcome to continue their own discussions of course.

    Please also note that the above synopsis of my personal plugin recommendations has been available on the plugin description for a long time now.



    @danlester Thanks for your response Dan..



    As of yesterday, my PDFs have suddenly disappeared as well. The download link still works. In Chrome and Firefox, I get nothing but the download link. IN IE, i get the message “
    This content cannot be displayed in a frame
    To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.
    What you can try:
    Open this content in a new window “

    Any suggestions? I really would like to not have to go back to all of my Posts that have PDF in them and have to recreate them using PDFembedder.

    A typical page is
    Thank you,

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