• Resolved GlobalVagabond


    I would like to use the GD Star Rating plugin to create an interesting page where the top voted posts in each category (politics, international, news, etc) show up on a single page separated by category. I’m trying to use the builder but there’s a few problems. I want to get rid of the “review” section and no image or text preview is showing up. Here are the shortcodes I created through the builder program. How can I edit this so it does what I want? Preferable would be a magazine style layout but I might be dreaming. Thanks for the help…

    [starrating template_id=4 rows=100 select=’post’ column=’votes’ last_voted_days=2 trends_rating=’img’ trends_rating_set=’famfamfam_arrows’ trends_voting=’img’ trends_voting_set=’famfamfam_arrows’ hide_empty=0 min_votes=0 min_count=0 excerpt_words=100 source=’thumbs’ image_from=’content’ image_resize_x=25 image_resize_y=25 publish_days=2 rating_thumb_size=’32’]

    Here’s the page… https://www.randpaulreview.com/blog/top-rated/


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  • Thread Starter GlobalVagabond


    Alright, I figured out how to put each category into a page separately. Now I’m just wonder how to get rid of the “review” section and how to show some sort of “post preview.” Really need help!

    Thread Starter GlobalVagabond


    Never mind, decided to go with a Buddypress Links to allow users to post their own links/videos. (https://www.randpaulreview.com/links/) It does what I need although I found the techhelp guy on twitter to be quite unfriendly. fyi.

    I’m still using GD Star Rating so others than rate my posts as well.

    I need to rating the top GD star rating post

    Hi everybody…

    I’m using GD Star Rating for my web site and users can vote for every Post…

    I need to have a top 10 voted Post list on a Catagories ….(this must automatically update by votes(According to GD Star Rating)..)

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