• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    Great news. We’re pretty darn sure your Google calendar displays will work once again.

    Nick and I have been working on the switch to the new Google Calendar API (version 3), and after a bunch of tweaks and testing we believe it’s now good to go.

    Please update your GCal Events plugin to 2.1.0 (or higher) and let us know in the forums if it’s still not working.

    Google basically requires an API key for all requests now. By default the WordPress plugin now uses a shared public API key we generated.

    Our request limit shared among all users is currently 500,000 requests per day and 5 requests per second. We applied for more today, but we’ll have to wait to hear back from Google if we’re allowed na increase.

    At 330,000+ plugin downloads we’re not sure if this is sufficient or not yet for everyone. But we do know that the caching provided in our plugin helps reduce the number of requests.

    If you’re concerned about this quota set for all plugin users, you do have the option of generating and using your own GCal API key across your sites. More info and instructions are found on the General Settings page after you update.

    Sorry again for the downtime the last couple days. We’ll do our best to tackle these issues a little more in advance in the future.


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  • I’ve tried updating my use of the shortcodes to the new ones and I’ve checked the calendar ID yet again. Still nothing.

    I have been trying to update my short-codes and Google links. Do you know why I would see /p> after ALL Day when it’s an all day event? Also if the description field is blank I receive /p> as well.

    Source Code view:

    <div>[link newwindow=”true”][event-title][/link]</div>
    <p>All Day[/if-all-day] [if-not-all-day]</p>
    <p>[start-custom format=”g:ia”] – [end-custom format=”g:ia”][/if-not-all-day] [if-multi-day]</p>
    <p>Ends: [end-date]</p>
    <p>[/if-multi-day] [if-location]</p>
    <p>Location: [location]</p>
    <p>[/if-location] [if-description]</p>
    <p>Description: [description]</p>

    Which results to this:

    November 20, 2014

    All Day /p>

    CORE- EMS CPR Update and ACLS Renewal
    9:00am – 12:00pm
    Location: E61, TR61, Sq41, Open Slot / Re-schedule; Coverage: E41 COVER 61’S

    cmaudano, I had the same issue at first with one calendar, and found the weird HTML tags disappeared when I went and tweaked it so each conditional was all on one line. So if you changed

    <p>All Day[/if-all-day]


    <p>[if-all-day]All Day[/if-all-day] </p>

    it may clear that up.

    Do you use TinyMCE Advanced or some other plugin that forces WordPress to stop removing HTML p tags? I do and suspect it’s related to that.

    I have 25 calendar feeds that I show on one calendar. It has been working great for years. These are individual employees. For that reason, privacy is very important.

    The calendars now only seem to work if I make them public (to the world – not just within the company (we use google apps for business). I see this is an issue the plugin developer is aware of and is trying to see what is possible within the new API. This is a huge priority for us.

    The other problem we are having is that even when set to public, only some of the calendars are showing under the updated plugin. I have double and triple checked that I have the Calendar ID correct. Every other setting is identical. Does anyone have any clues on why some calendars work and others do not?

    Well, I got it working just fine …but only if I leave the API key field blank. If I put in my API, then for the first display (i.e., when the cache is cleared), I get this error:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/...[site-specific-info removed].../wp-content/plugins/google-calendar-events/includes/class-gce-feed.php on line 158

    And in subsequent redisplays (that are reading the cache), I get “No events to display.”

    I generated the API key as a public key, specifying my server’s IP address. I made sure that the Calendar API is active. I used copy and paste to copy the API key from the Google console to GCE. Can anyone give me pointers about what I might be doing wrong? Thanks.

    Working perfectly for me! Thank you for the detailed description on how to create my own API key. Everything is back up and running. Thank you for fixing this so quickly.

    I created new calendars for the users whose calendars would not show up. And copied their future events to the new calendars and then created new feeds with the new Calendar IDs. These seem to work fine.

    I found that my API key works fine if I do not specify any IP addresses. It was getting hung up on that.

    Thanks, Phil, for great work on this and rapid response over the last week in particular!

    All day events are repeating for me. For example, “Thanksgiving Holiday” is an all day, multi-day event spanning from the 24th through the 28th. Under the 24th the event appears five times.

    HCOE-web – THANKS!
    That seem to do the trick. I thought that I tried that, but never got it to work. I removed the All Day code because I don’t need it to say all day on Thanksgiving for example.

    Here’s my working code.
    <p>[link newwindow=”true”][event-title][/link]</p>
    <p>[if-not-all-day][start-custom format=”g:ia”] – [end-custom format=”g:ia”][/if-not-all-day]
    [if-multi-day]Ends: [end-date][/if-multi-day]
    [if-location]Location: [location][/if-location]
    [if-description]Description: [description][/if-description]</p>

    Interesting, in order for the Holidays to show up on my calendar I had to use the XML feed.

    Got this working properly after a little wrangling, with one problematic exception: if there are links in the calendar event description, the code gets garbled in the feed.

    Thanks for any pointers you can offer on this front. See https://home.edweb.net/calendar-test/

    How did you enter the URL’s? I put mine in the description area and they display correctly.

    I must have missed something. Did anyone mention where I can edit the gce-style.css file? I just want to add .gce-has-events { color: #bf8d1d; } somewhere that won’t be overruled.

    I edit the gce-style.css in my child theme css. Works the same as before at least it does for me.

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