Gave it a chance, reverted to Classic Editor
I will dare to say that Gutenberg is killing WordPress right know. We went from a nice, lightweight solution to a clumsy, long to load editor… and, even worse, something not reliable.
I used it when I updated to WP 5.0, I didn’t like it but, hey, that is the future of WordPress, so let’s use it. But I updated today to 5.1 and I got a bunch of internal 500 errors on photo upload, autosave… that weren’t there before. I dare to say my server configuration didn’t change, so…
…so I installed back the Classic Editor and everything is back to normal.
Dear WordPress product management, please do something. Being a software developer, Gutenberg looks like a clumsy beta version, not a product for the most used content management software. The block editor in the Enfold theme, for example, is great, so it’s doable.
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