Hi Fredrik,
Thank you very much for posting here. MSTW League Manager provides a collection of shortcodes allowing you to display schedules in a variety of formats. You can view a collection of the shortcodes here: https://dev.shoalsummitsolutions.com/league-manager/.
It would help me to know exactly which shortcode you want to use. This page might show something link what you are looking for. https://dev.shoalsummitsolutions.com/schedule-tables/
But the short answer in most cases is YES. You can use the DTG (date-time group) arguments to control the time boundaries of the schedule. I suggest you start by looking at the shortcodes man page:
particularly the section on the Date-Time arguments, and the NOW argument.
If you are looking to display the schedule in a sidebar, you will probably only display a couple of columns. So you can use the Settings admin tabs to control which columns are displayed and in which order, as well as formats for dates and names (short versus long names, etc).
I hope that helps you get started.