• I just did a clean install of Thematic and Chris Wallace’s Gallery 1.2.1 on my WordPress 3.0.4 blog. For some reason my posts on the Main Page Template are not displaying as a grid, but rather after each post there is a line break. The Slide Titles are also not formatted as they should be, instead the text length of the post title creates a margin of the overall thumbnail block from the left side of the page. The hover effect is all broken too. I keep going over the CSS and everything looks good. I haven’t changed anything about the default code. What could be wrong?

    A screenshot can be found here: https://installationspace.com/dump/screenshot.jpg


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  • I have exactly the same problem, I installed thematic and the Chris Wallace’s Gallery recently. I hope it’s possible to solve.

    The reason this is happening is that Thematic changed the structure of its classes and, sadly, many themes like Gallery were depending on them.

    To fix this problem, open your gallery/style.css file in a text editor and change every instance of ‘.not-singular’ to ‘.blog’. Hopefully, that should resolve most of your issues.

    Thanks alot Jennifer, it works ??

    Great! There may be other things hiding within the Gallery theme that could have been broken by the Thematic upgrade, but at least this fix takes care of the more serious issues.



    i have just change the ‘.not-singular’ to ‘.blog’ css classes its work but category page still have problem.

    thanx for your help.

    Hi alixcan, did you solv this problem? I have the same trouble.

    Thanx for any help

    Has anyone pin-pointed the code which will fix this problem on the category page?? Thank you for your help!!

    Hi guys. Since there is still demand for a fix, I looked into it and made a handy file for you. Check it out here: https://pastebin.com/Etqqc0QN. That file is basically the entire style.css, but with the fixes that you need integrated. Since the fix wasn’t as easy as simply finding a word and replacing it with another, I decided that posting the entire file would be the better approach.

    To use the file:

    1. Open your current style.css in the editor and delete everything.
    2. Select all of the new style.css that I posted and paste it into your editor.
    3. Save!

    In case you’re interested, here’s a before and after so you can see what I did:

    .blog .entry-content{
      float: left;
      width: 134px;
      margin: 0 0 5px 0;


    .blog .entry-content, .archive .entry-content{
      float: left;
      width: 134px;
      margin: 0 0 5px 0;

    I’m basically adding an .archive rule beside every .blog rule so that they will both behave the same way.

    Hopefully this works out for you guys!

    Works perfectly jennifermontes! You are a superhero.

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