Hi @janbrokes!
This would be a setting that needs to be changed server side. Our gallery plugin doesn’t set a limit on how large the image files can be. If you reach out to your hosting provider tech support and request they increase the limit for the ‘upload limit’ and ‘post limit’ to each be 50MB, that should fix it so you can upload the larger files in batches ?? While you have their attention you might as well have them confirm this full list of settings, that it matches on your account:
MySQL v5.6
Memory Limit: 250MB
Upload limit: 50MB
Post limit: 50MB
Keep in mind that those are really large image files and if you have a gallery displayed on your site with those full resolution images, it will load really slow – especially on a shared hosting environment. I would suggest resizing the images after you upload, under Gallery > Manage Galleries. Make sure that you have ‘backup images’ turned on under Gallery > Other Options > Image Options before you upload.
Keep me posted if this helps. ??