Thanks Tara – yes I knew to upload the images using the media interface. And the files where there a few weeks ago. The odd thing was that all my other images were showing, just not the images in the galleries. I finally realized that when they hosting service moved the files over to go live, or whatever it is they do, all the gallery images were still pointing to /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/08 when they should have been pointing to /wp-content/uploads/2014/08 I am not sure why the other images/paths moved over just fine but these didn’t though. I looked at Settings/Media but I don’t see anywhere to edit or even see the see what the current location or path is for my image uploads. That was also driving me crazy because I thought there should have been somewhere to see this.
Regardless, I finally got everything put back in its place and its working now. I use Media File Manager, but i will look at WP Easy Uploader – that might be good for me.
Thanks for your help Tara!