• arnoldjw


    I’m working on a Plug-in to embed Gallery2, and gallery pictures. To that effort, I’m trying to integrate WordPress users into Gallery.

    The Gallery side I’m ok on. Its WordPress thata€?s giving me trouble.

    I can’t find all the hooks I need so I’m using the admin_head hook (a hook not in Skippy’s List BTW).

    I’ve looked at the following:

    But what I need is when a User changes their username, full name, or password, I update gallery. So what I’m now doing without user_edit hooks, is I’m using admin_head and watching for $_POST[action] == update, and then the pages profile.php and user-edit.php. If an update is made to those pages, I can get the post arguments. I need to do this because both of those updates redirect to the edit page by changing the header, and I loose any arguments before another hook is run.

    Is this the right thing to do?

    Anyone want to help?

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  • drewament, you are officially my hero! Will be looking forward to the write up with a million thanks! Take your time, though. ??

    Dang! Do tell (when you get the chance!).

    For Gallery V1


    I have no clue about attempting to integrate v2 if any of you are trying to do that. Drew’s using v1 on his site as well.

    There ya go guys, Lawtai already wrote a write-up. It should be pretty easy from there.

    One thing I would rec is to copy the css from your WP blog/theme to the standalone css for gallery. (I didn’t see where you had mentioned that lawtai)

    I too have not yet started playing with v2 of Gallery. But, when it gets out of Beta you can bet I will be upgrading.


    heh, I actually didn’t write up that guide, but used it in helping me to integrate my gallery.

    Hmmm, looking over that, I think you mean gallery.header and gallery.footer – not wrapper – that would cause some PHP errors as far as I can tell. Not to mention none of the code you’re referencing is in either of those files so far as I know.

    This is nice lawtai, except it’s going to generate a seriously invalid page which looks to be a bit more complicated to fix than I can deal with right now.

    Actually, you do want wrapper and not gallery.header/footer. The thing is, you can’t use PHP in integrating Gallery. You’ll have to use HTML. It’ll get the appearance of the rest of your webpage, but it won’t have the dynamic aspect of the rest of your webpage.

    Mine validates fine…


    And yes, you do want to use the WRAPPER. I am currently working on the dynamic changes (ie. when you changes themes, it changes tham on Gallery as well). I will update once complete. The only thing I won’t be able to do is user integration…WAY over my head.

    Side note…THIS page does not validate!! Click link at bottom.

    You can leave the import call for the css file in, so that if you changed your stylesheet your gallery would also change as well. I have no idea how you would do it if you changed the theme of your site though, other than redoing the steps.

    Here is a link to my WRAPPER for an example….


    ahh, i see my bad – that’s what i get for fast glancing and not reading. ??

    You can check out my stab at integrating G2 with WP here:


    Please don’t /. me! It’s a self hosted site, and my bandwidth isn’t great ??

    I still have a lot of things to finish, and I’ll probably upgrade to G2 Beta2 over the weekend if I get the time which should help speed up the gallery section. Let me know if you like it ??

    Looks fantastic! Any hints on how you accomplished that?

    Thanks TGG. Basically, WP and Gallery are still running seperately, I’ve just played with the style sheets and incorporated similiar graphics and elements between the two. It takes quite a bit of time, but so far I’m happy with how it’s coming. I still need to figure out how to place my navigation links that are present on the home page (WP) into the G2 pages. My workaround for now was to make my whole banner a link back to the home page, but that’s not obvious to everyone. It would be tough to put together a tutorial of what I did, because I’ve tweaked so many files (mostly in G2) for the design. A lot of trial and error. Essentially, I modified the arzel_xt2 theme, and added the image thumbnail scripts for Random, Most Viewed, etc. from G2 into my sidebar. Very easy to do. I’m not a PHP guru, and think that if arnoldjw can make a plug in that marries WP and Gallery gracefully and easily, it would be huge! Hope it works out. The way I’ve done things, I have to be really careful when upgrading G2, so as not to overwrite files I’ve changed and blowout my mods ??

    Oi, a plugin would be absolutely fantastic, i’m pulling my hair out at this point trying to figure things out. If any of you have been to https://www.siriux.net, he has done a great job as well. He told me he modified the global.tpl for gallery, and just did calls for the css. Its not true integration, but it looks quite nice. But honestly, after looking at so much code, and failing enough times, i’m nearly ready to call it quits.

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