@ryanllogan, i am getting 1 extra request with GA active, here are my tests from this morning:
Clean install, no plugins active at all
417kb, 14 requests
WP Disable active, nothing selected
418kb, 14 requests
no effect at all
Disable Emojis, Embed, Gravatr – reduced by 2 requests and 16KB
402kb, 12 requests
so this is correct
All Settings active:
401kb, 12 requests
,no difference here, so correct again
Using GA Code in Footer
431KB, 13 requests
size increase by 30kb, & 1 Requests increase (I can see the request in waterfall which is correct)
Any chance you can PM me the site so I can look in more detail for you, it maybe something else causing the increase
@coffeehero still looking into the realtime issue