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  • Hi,

    Just to let you know that i have read your msg – please give me time till tomorrow to revert on this.



    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Thank you for your suggestion. We are working on it and will consider this on the next version.Keep in touch, your suggestions are always valuable for us ??



    As per the promise, we are back with the latest version 2.3.0 of our Plugin and the good news is we have considered the above issue:)

    Please follow the below path-

    WP admin >> Woocommerce >> Redirect after enquiry success >> enable redirect to other page >> select redirect page (now you can insert Google Analytics goal tracking code snippet to the redirect page)

    I’m marking this as complete. Please feel free to open a thread if you need any more help.

    Request- A 5/5 rating would definitely help us to reach out more users ??


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