• Just if anyone needs it – it is possible to add the post event date to the RSS feed of ‘posts’.

    I have created a simple ‘plugin’ (added a folder ‘rssaddeventinfo’ into ‘plugins’ and added a rssaddeventinfo.php in there) that you can just enable to have this feature.

    Unfortunately, I found only a way how to publish event start date, and not the end date, times and so on.

    Plugin Name: RSSaddRsEventMultidayEventInfo
    Plugin URI: https://mypage.sk
    Description: My custom plugin that gets post custom data from plugin ‘rs-event-multiday’ and adds it into RSS as new tag
    Version: 1.00
    Author: Miro Janosik
    Author URI: https://mypage.sk

    // credits:
    // https://matthewman.net/2012/10/09/wordpress-rss-custom-elements/
    // https://blogs.it.ox.ac.uk/inapickle/2009/12/16/adding-event-times-and-location-to-rss-and-atom-feeds/

    add_action( ‘rss2_item’, ‘add_eventinfo_to_rss’ );
    add_action( ‘rss2_ns’, ‘add_eventinfo_to_rss_namespace’ );

    function add_eventinfo_to_rss_namespace()
    echo “xmlns:ev=\”https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/event/\”\n”;

    function add_eventinfo_to_rss()
    $custom_fields = get_post_custom();
    $event_start = $custom_fields[_rs_event_start][0];
    if ($event_start != 0)
    echo “<ev:startdate>”.gmdate(“c”, $event_start).”</ev:startdate>\n”;


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