Hi, after a lengthy discussion with the FV Player developers I’m still having trouble with videos loading.
Do you offer any extra (paid) support? I’m not a developer and really don’t have enough knowledge of user-agents or coding to troubleshoot this problem on my own. I understand that its most likely not a problem with WPMobile plugin but I’m hoping that you could at least identify what is preventing the video from loading within the WPMobile Android apptest environment? I can’t understand why the videos are loading within the iOS test environment but not the android? particularly when they were working in both environments only a few months ago.
This is the latest from my discussion with FV Player:
FV PLAYER: we tried to add some code to detect WPMobile app user agent iOS or Android. Please reinstall FV Player and let us know if it helped.
ME: Thanks very much
Unfortunately I’ve uploaded the zip file and activated but the problem still remains ??
FV PLAYER: WPMobile Plugin developer said: “The app have this user-agent: WPMobile.App – Android Even if I load the website with this user-agent without loading the app interface I get this error: html5: Unsupported video format. Try installing Adobe Flash.”
So that’s the issue which I was fixing and it did help. Please try to use that “WPMobile.App – Android” to play the video on https://foliovision.com/ and let us know if it won’t work for you. If you are not sure about the user agent change, you can kindly ask WPMobile developer to have a look again. Perhaps he will have another hint too.