Hi there,
I’m well aware of http2 and I’ve been using it for years, however, tools such as gtmetrix, pagespeed insights and others, are not aware of http2.
That’s the reason why people concatenate, so that they get a better score on those tests.
Furthermore, http2 is set at the server level, but old client systems may not have support for http2, which makes it useless.
The goal for FVM is to reduce requests, but I am also aware it sometimes breaks things. That’s why, the ignore list exists as well as other functionality. Even with http2 full support, there’s still a clear benefit of merging js and css files, so I don’t think it will become irrelevant so soon.
Perhaps when pagespeed insights and other test sites stop complaining about “merging css” or “merging js” and reduce requests, then that’s finally when merging and concatenating can be gone, as there won’t be a demand for it anymore.
As for groups of files instead of a large file, the goal is to make it into 1 file. Sometimes the plugin generates multiple files, depending on how the theme and plugins enqueues the scripts and styles, but originally, the goal is to reduce css and JS requests as much as possible.
There wouldn’t actually be any advantage of having FVM generate multiple files, because http2 already uses 1 tcp connection. In other words, FVM is meant for http v1 optimization, while of course, you can add http2 support on the server side.
That however, won’t increase your score on pagespeed, as the tool is not aware of http2.
Also if you look at http2 browser support, you can see that a lot of browsers only very recently started supporting it. Safari for instance, only added full support in September 2017 on version 11. https://caniuse.com/#feat=http2
There’s also the issue that http2 is meant to be used on SSL only, and some browsers even require ALPN negotiation.
This is why, google started pushing all sites to migrate to https, in an attempt to both make the web more secure, private and faster.
In my opinion, I cannot see http2 becoming mainstream and pagespeed changing their algorithm to recognize http2, before at least 2020.
Thanks anyway for the request ??