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  • Plugin Author Raul P.


    Hi there,

    I’m well aware of http2 and I’ve been using it for years, however, tools such as gtmetrix, pagespeed insights and others, are not aware of http2.

    That’s the reason why people concatenate, so that they get a better score on those tests.

    Furthermore, http2 is set at the server level, but old client systems may not have support for http2, which makes it useless.

    The goal for FVM is to reduce requests, but I am also aware it sometimes breaks things. That’s why, the ignore list exists as well as other functionality. Even with http2 full support, there’s still a clear benefit of merging js and css files, so I don’t think it will become irrelevant so soon.

    Perhaps when pagespeed insights and other test sites stop complaining about “merging css” or “merging js” and reduce requests, then that’s finally when merging and concatenating can be gone, as there won’t be a demand for it anymore.

    As for groups of files instead of a large file, the goal is to make it into 1 file. Sometimes the plugin generates multiple files, depending on how the theme and plugins enqueues the scripts and styles, but originally, the goal is to reduce css and JS requests as much as possible.

    There wouldn’t actually be any advantage of having FVM generate multiple files, because http2 already uses 1 tcp connection. In other words, FVM is meant for http v1 optimization, while of course, you can add http2 support on the server side.

    That however, won’t increase your score on pagespeed, as the tool is not aware of http2.

    Also if you look at http2 browser support, you can see that a lot of browsers only very recently started supporting it. Safari for instance, only added full support in September 2017 on version 11.

    There’s also the issue that http2 is meant to be used on SSL only, and some browsers even require ALPN negotiation.

    This is why, google started pushing all sites to migrate to https, in an attempt to both make the web more secure, private and faster.

    In my opinion, I cannot see http2 becoming mainstream and pagespeed changing their algorithm to recognize http2, before at least 2020.

    Thanks anyway for the request ??

    Thread Starter kokers


    Hi, thanks for a reply.

    I agree with everything you said. But even with http/2 we still be merging files but into smaller packages. Even with http2 there will be a limit of how many files can be downloaded at once, and will probably depend on browsers as well.

    My thought was simply to allow user to set a limit how many files are per package, similar how bwp minify was doing it with “one minify string contain” (

    Option to ignore files doesn’t really solves this. I do not request this for tools like pingdom, pagespeed – gtmetrix is aware of http2. I simply want to prepare for a near future, beacuse https will soon be “a must”, and with that http2 will become more popular. I’m looking for a best solution to handle this for my and my clients sites where we do use http2 and all our new websites will too.

    FVM is in my opinion the best plugin for minifying and combining, hence I wanted to see if splitting into smaller packages will be an option. When I was referring that concatenating will be obsolete – i was talking about theory. Practice always is different and tests proves this.

    “In order to enhance browser’s cache performance, create smaller bundles instead of one gigantic bundle. Each bundle should have a set of related asset files. If a bundle consists of related assets, most changes in a group can be contained locally without impacting other groups.”

    Also what you said about mainstream. I don’t believe people should wait until everyone use this, but it’s my opinion. I personally want what’s best and http2 is clearly a way to go. If you see in caniuse the usage, it’s already 85% global and in my country it’s 92%. So it’s not something that won’t be popular soon, and whether tests do support this or not, we will have to deal with http2. We still be combining, but into smaller files. JS/CSS are not the only files that are downlaoded in 1 tcp connection. Images, fonts also use this connection.

    Anyway, thanks for consideration. Love the plugin, recommend it to everyone.
    Have a great day :o)

    Plugin Author Raul P.


    Thank you very much for the feedback, I think I understand now what you need.

    I’m always developing and adding new things, so I’ll add your suggestion to my bucket and see what I can do about it, in due time.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter kokers


    Hey Raul,

    thanks again for your time. That’s a very good news. All the best :o)

    Thread Starter kokers


    Hey Raul!

    One more question related to this topic, as recently most websites I optimize work on http/2. Will it be possible to add a feature to disable concatenation all together? Meaning, use FVM for minification and compression but do not combine resources? Currently we can only disable minification, but we can’t disable merging. With few JS/CSS and http/2 there is no need to combine them, but it would be great to still be able to minify them and create gz version. So basically for websites with http/2 there could be an option to make small packages or just make them smaller. What do you think?

    Plugin Author Raul P.


    If you disable concatenation, the reason to use FVM doesn’t make much sense.
    I would tell you to use WPFC or some other cache plugin, that minifies without merging.

    Thread Starter kokers


    But minification is very important part of optimization, and I never had any issues with that in FVM, when in other plugins (which is surprising) i had. Your plugin isn’t ONLY for merging and minifying resources, but there as tons of other options that are useful (font options, preconnect headers, cdn, pro tab, and who knows what you’ll add in the future ;o)). Optimization isn’t only about concatenation. Concatenation is something we invented to deal with http/1 restrictions, but every other part is needed for both http/1 and http/2. That’s what I think. I’m really interested to hear why you think FVM won’t make sense if you add such option.

    Plugin Author Raul P.


    Indeed you are right, but what I meant to say (sorry), is that WPFC is a cache plugin that lets you minify each file individually, so you can use http2 without actually merging.

    As for minifying itself, the gain is very small if you already use gzip.
    I agree it’s important, despite many people saying otherwise.

    The fonts merging is an important feature of FVM, but if you were to dequeue the fonts on your site manually, you could enqueue it as one file by generating a new url with all fonts directly from

    The preconnect headers are great, as well as the inline css, especially if your css is small enough.

    Anyway, FVM will have some new features soon, such as a cache engine and better transients management ?? so you may be happy with the next release.

    Thanks again

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