• Hi there,
    my name is Francesco, I’m already be a developer but not on the languages needed to develop wp plugins.
    I write you because I would like to learn how to develop and help you on this plugin. You are doing a great job.
    Can you please advise me some site or course on how to learn develop? I really appreciate your advice.
    The only help I can give you now is to translate in Italian your plugin.

    I’m using your plugin for a theatre booking site system.
    (to generate events, associate halls and reserve seats).
    One Event = One Registration

    I would need these modifications but are a lot and this is why I want to learn to help you.
    -Register multiple seat with only one name, surname, mobile phone no. and email address. Ex. I want book 3 seats with only one name.
    -To set as option “ask confirmation email” because if I already set an email address as customer I don’t want to reinsert.
    -Show countdown (settable on back-end) after I click on seat / seats to view remaining time to finish the reservation.
    -Availability to set 2 or 3 different price. Ex. Adult Price, Kid Price, Differently Abled Price (wheelchairs).
    -Availability to put visible text label on custom box object (not as now with the Hover Text)
    -Availability to set ROW text label to be associated to the seat number. former. A-1, B-5, C-12 …
    -Availability to put image instead of colored square. 1 image for available (ex. green seat), 1 image for approved (ex. red seat), 1 image for pending (ex. orange seat) and 1 image for blocked (ex. black seat).
    -Availability to create, modify, reserve or block seats in a backend page.
    -Availability to add different payment method. Ex. “Pay on site”.
    -Availability to Duplicate Registrations with one click and change name.
    -Availability to show in back-end the shortcode for each Registration.
    -Availability to set Date and TIME (Registration start datetime, Registration end datetime) in Registration settings.
    -Create a Page for the Check-in using Barcode or QR Code to confirm ticket.

    You are doing a very great job…. I hope to help you on developing soon or in another way you want.

    Best Regards

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  • Plugin Author thesiim


    Hello Francesco

    I am glad you like my plugin. Feel free to leave a review.
    Do become a WordPress developers you first need to learn the basics of programming. After that you should get yourself familiar with PHP and MySQL as WordPress is build on top of them.
    Also front end skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript are needed depending on the plugin (my plugin also uses jQuery and jQuery UI a lot). Once you have a knowledge on those skills you can start building WordPress plugins and themes.
    It does not mean you need to be super good at all of those skills but you need to understand the basics to get started. There are lot of books, online documentations, video tutorials all over the internet. I am sure udemy.com has some and I know that YouTube is full of them.
    I wont say its easy but with good determination and interest its doable.

    About your feature requests:

    1. Register multiple seat with only one name, surname…
    You can already book multiple seats with same information. It wont block the booking. But I think I got what you meant. So instead of typing the same contact information multiple times there should be some feature that automatically fills the rest of the fields if already entered.
    I will thing about how to implement it and add it to my todo list.

    2. To set as option “ask confirmation email”
    Not really sure if I understand. In setting you can turn off email confirmation. Can you explain what you meant by reinsert? Example would be nice.

    3. Show countdown (settable on back-end) after I click…
    Thats an interesting idea. So for example when I select a seat(add to cart) then the seat is temporary (some time period) only mine to book. Other people cant book it. Then there will be countdown and after that (if I did not book it) other people can book it.
    Was this a request/complaint from one of your client? It seems like a nice thing to have but not sure how important it is.

    4. Availability to set 2 or 3 different price…
    That a good idea. I will think about it and add it to the doto list.

    5. Availability to put visible text label on custom box object…
    Do you meant that the text is inside of the box? Or is it like a tooltip that is always visible. I think I can make so that you have and option with hover text so that the hover text will be always shows. Will that solve the problem?

    6. Availability to set ROW text label to be associated to the seat number…
    Did I get it right that instead of showing seat numbers as 1, 2, 3, 4 you should be able to set custom seat numbers like A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4?

    7. Availability to put image instead of colored square…
    Not really sure that I got what you meant here. Currently when seat is pending it has yellow circle in it. When seat is booked it has red circle in it. Do you think about changing it to some custom images? Can you clarify more.

    8. Availability to create, modify, reserve or block seats in a backend page…
    Create idea. Will add it to todo list.

    9. Availability to add different payment method. Ex. “Pay on site”….
    So client can choose between PayPal and Pay on site when making a booking? And the selected payment option will be shown in the booking manager?

    10. Availability to Duplicate Registrations with one click and change name…
    Create idea. Will add it to the todo list.

    11. Availability to show in back-end the shortcode for each Registration…
    Yes I was also thinking about it one day but I did not found a good place where to put it.

    12. Availability to set Date and TIME…
    This feature already exists in settings. Maybe it missing something?

    13. Create a Page for the Check-in using Barcode or QR Code to confirm ticket.
    Not sure how that would look like. Can you provide some examples how it should work?

    About the translation. Yes it would be nice if you can translate the plugin to Italian =)

    Thread Starter nippo0979


    thank you very much for the development advice for Wordrpess. I have already found an interesting course on udemy.

    We come to the explanations of the changes.
    1. Good idea to add the feature that automatically fills the rest of the fields if already entered.
    2. The feature to send only one email, to a specific person can be usefull if I put different person data (see point 1) but if I put one person data for all the tickets, is unusefull repeat the email address.
    3. About the countdown, I think it is a way to temporary lock the seat. I tried with 2 browser the contemporary reservation of the same seat. Ex. If the user A click on the seat no.1 and on the other side, the user B click on the same seat, this not lock A or B… and this is a programmatic error. With the countdown you can temporary lock the seat clicked by A and set it as unavailable for all the other users.
    4. Well noted.
    5. I mean write a text over the custom square… this feature can help to draw the hall layout and clarify to the user the seat rows. Ex. https://ibb.co/RTzJpxn
    6. Exactly. This recall the point 5. I need to book a seat per row per number (A1, A2, A3…). see the image to understand.
    7. About this you can see the image (https://ibb.co/sgfV6cN). Red seat is booked, Orange seat (see point 3) is temporary unavailable, seat Green is available and perhaps Black seat as reserved by Admin in backend. In backend I would to set an image, for all the seat status (green_seat.png, red_seat.png etc.) as image of seat.
    8. well noted.
    9. Yes. In Bookings – Backend I would like to see columns Seat, Hall (or Room), Name, Date&Time, Booking Id, Payment Method, Phone no., Email address. With all these infos, I can print a Check-in list and verify who paid and who not, call who is in late etc.
    10. well noted.
    11. I think you can put the shortcode generated, in Backend – Edit Map, under “Seat deletion is limited”. See the image to understand. https://ibb.co/NSGgv0G
    12. Now I can set only the DATE but not the TIME. I mean, I would like to set as START EVENT DATETIME as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm (24 hour format) and END EVENT DATETIME as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm (24 hour format).
    13. This is the most powerfull feature. I mean… I would like to use a mobile device (Smartphone or Tablet) to read a QR Code printed on a paper ticket or directly on a display, to check-in a customer. HOW SIMPLY WORKS: I read the QR code, I verify the booking, the customer pay and then he can access to the event.
    – To do this perhaps it may be useful to have a web page of the Organizer (accessible with username and pass directly by mobile device) to read the QR Code and check the validity of the ticket. I scan the QR code and it show me Name, Hall, Seat id, payment status, checked ticket (yes/no).
    To avoid anyone open the link by smartphone and modify the “checked ticket” field on database, you can retrict this modification only if the user Organizer is logged in on the mobile device who is scanning the QR Code.

    I hope I was clear. At your disposal for any other explanations.

    Plugin Author thesiim


    Thanks for clarifying.

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