Can you paste one of these broken links ?
First of all, you need to manually update an URL in the database. The most reliable way to do this is to access your database with a tool like phpMyAdmin. This point is not very handy. A new version is coming this year, you will be able to skip this step. Instructions for use will also be clarified.
So, dump the database (just in case!) and run :
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value='https://www.mynewdomain.com' WHERE option_name='siteurl';
This query will make you able to access the administration on the new domain. Then, go to https://www.mynewdomain.com/wp-admin/tools.php?page=umanit-update-urls/updateurls.php
, fill both old and new URL fields, tick all the checkboxes and click on the “Update URLs” button.
You can run the plugin twice or more, using an old URL with www.
and without it, to be sure there are no old URLs remaining.