• Long story short, I was reading an article on how to remove the dashboard from non admin users (completely remove it… entirely, not just restrict it). But after updating the functions.php file my entire website shut down and this is all I have. I can’t even get into the admins panel. no lifewithdj.com or lifewithdj.com/wp-admin

    This is all I’ve got

    I’m a novice (literately). Google told me to download FileZilla and reupload the functions.php file but that didn’t work, nor did uploading the entire theme folder. I’m currently uploading all the plugins.

    Suggestions? Advice? A Nuse?

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  • jack randall


    which functions.php file did you edit?

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings



    jack randall


    you say you’ve reuploaded the theme and there’s no change? have you cleared your browser’s cache?

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    No, the cache has been left alone. Assuming I did it correctly with filezilla, yes, I reuploaded the theme and had no change. I’m in the process of a 4,000 file plugin upload as we speak

    jack randall


    wow, how many plugins are you using? i’d work on getting the site back up and running and then use the dashboard uploader, it will be quicker and less painful.

    clear your browser’s cache and refresh the page if/when you’ve got the theme reuploaded.

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    I cleared the cash, reloaded the page, same issue. I’m using around 18 plugins

    jack randall


    your error says there’s an unexpected line of text on line 10 of the vantage theme functions.php, have you checked that line to see if there’s a stray character or symbol there?

    can you list the plugins you’re using (if you’ve got the time!) and what version of wp you’re using?

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    I’ve got the time. I can’t go to sleep until I get this fixed (literately, long story) and I have to be up at 4am.


    Plugins (you’ll understand why if this can get fixed)

    contact form 7
    disqus comment system
    lightbox gallery
    lightbox pluss
    ml slider
    ozh admin drop down menu
    ps disable auto formatting (idk why, i dont even know what it does)
    responsive menu
    sexy bookmarks (again, idk why that’s there)
    site origin panels
    social media widget
    updraft plus (use to backup)
    wordfence (no clue what that is)
    wysija newsletters

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    Filezilla just completed reuploading both the theme and all plugins and it did not resolve the issue. Unfortunately I don’t know HTML so I wouldn’t know what was or wasn’t missing or what did and didn’t belong. I’ve built my website entirely with the site builder. With the exception of this stupid incident.

    jack randall


    i’d ditch the ones you that you don’t know what they do (sexy bookmarks is ok, i think it’s managed by shareaholic). the one plugin i would drop like a hot potato is lightbox gallery, it hasn’t been updated in nearly 2 years!

    make sure that you’re on the most up to date version of wysija newsletter, there was a vulnerability found in it earlier this year that leaves all .php files open to malicious code.

    wordfence is a superb new security plugin, check out what it can do and implement it, it could save your bacon one day!

    hows it coming along with the uploading?

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    I started my website like 5 days ago, 100% positive all my addons are up to date. I took your advice deleted lightbox gallery from my archive, as well as the others.

    Uploading is complete but still no change. Is that even possible? I replaced the entire theme and pluggins with yesterdays backup files.

    this is the first 18 lines of the theme functions.php it says the issue is in line 10…

    * vantage functions and definitions
    * @package vantage
    * @since vantage 1.0
    * @license GPL 2.0

    define( ‘SITEORIGIN_THEME_VERSION’ , ‘2.2.3’ );
    define( ‘SITEORIGIN_THEME_ENDPOINT’ , ‘https://updates.siteorigin.com&#8217; );

    if( file_exists( get_template_directory() . ‘/premium/functions.php’ ) ){
    include get_template_directory() . ‘/premium/functions.php’;
    else {
    include get_template_directory() . ‘/upgrade/upgrade.php’;

    jack randall


    have you got much content on it or is it really really fresh? if it’s so new that there’s nothing on it go right back to absolute basics and reinstall wordpress. i can see you’re on hostgator (the little gator icon on the browser tab) so if you didn’t use it before, use their quick install feature to set up wordpress and start over.

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    Well, actually. I spent 5 days with pretty much no sleep developing and setting up the website. It was practically finished. I guess it wouldn’t kill me to rebuild, but I may not be showing up to work tomorrow if that’s the case.

    jack randall


    haha, i’ve been there. websites are like kids, they take up massive amounts of your time, money, patience and will to live!

    i’ve had to start over a few projects but they’ve had a bunch of content on them so i’ve had to mess about with databases to keep the posts and settings for the new site.

    go with the quick install on hostgator, use the dashboard to install the vantage theme and then see if you’re back in business. if you are keep adding in your plugins (with browser cache clearance and page refreshes) until everything’s in place and ready to go again.

    as for completely hiding the dashboard from non admin users, you don’t really need to do that as a basic subscriber member can’t actually do anything in the dashboard anyway so they’re no danger to the site or your content…

    Thread Starter DakotahJennings


    Sadly, my only reason for wanting to take the dashboard off was because of my OCD. It didn’t fit and users have no use for the dashboard with how I set up my website.

    Back to the drawing board. Thanks for your help Jack.

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