• Functions, development, support: All top notch!

    With this plugin you can connect almost every platform and app to WP and WooCommerce. Incoming as well as outgoing data. Uncanny Automator is a very complex tool, so that we are able to realise easy and highly advanced tasks.

    Support is there to help and to provide the right steps to follow, through very well thought out and comprehensive explanations. Also the pro version is absolutely worth it to really achieve whatever we imagined so far.

    This plugin also permits us to be as compliant as possible with GDPR, as we can define for the webhook and API exactly which customer data is pushed from our server to other apps and automation tools. In our case ONLY first name and email address. This is not possible with WooCommerces own webhooks.

    And the team keeps developing and improving every aspect with open ears and eyes for suggestions, to make things even easier.

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