• Resolved compixonline



    This works really well for me EXCEPT I use Divi Dashboard Welcome too, they seem to play fine together and when both working you get a nice full width welcome widget, with your four widgets underneath, giving a very simple front end. The only trouble is, the Divi Welcome pane has a dismiss button, and when clicked it disappears, but with no screen options, and the Divi Welcome not appearing in Client Dash widgets there is no way of getting it back.

    Could you suggest any way round it, either by adapting the plugin so that Screen Options continues to appear on the Client Dash page, or having the Divi Welcome Page appear as an option in the widgets settings for Client Dash?

    Many thankks.


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  • Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Ahh yes. Well, I do believe that the Divi welcome “widget” is not truly a widget. It’s similar to the WordPress welcome “widget”. It is inserted above the widgets area. So, it is not possible to get to appear as a widget option.

    As for the screen options note, that is interesting to consider an issue like this. We have considered adding it back in and I think this is a good reason to do so.

    In the meantime, if you add this code to a custom plugin, or your theme’s functions.php file, you can it back.

    remove_filter( 'screen_options_show_screen', '__return_false' );

    Would love to have functionality to modify the welcome screen. I’ve been modifying it manually and removing the dismiss button.

    Joel, trying to add the screen options back but this filter no longer works

    remove_filter( ‘screen_options_show_screen’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Is there an updated version?

    I’ve had to comment out the line of code in the plugin for now
    //add_action( ‘admin_head-index.php’, array( $this, ‘remove_screen_options’ ) );

    Sorry forgot to mention that I’m using the Client Dashboard plugin with the Divi Client Dashboard plugin which go very well together ??

    Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Hi Martin,

    After doing some testing, it does seem that you will actually need to wrap my above code in another function call. So this code does work:

    add_action( 'admin_head-index.php', 'myplugin_clientdash_restore_screen_options', 15 );
    function myplugin_clientdash_restore_screen_options() {
    	remove_filter( 'screen_options_show_screen', '__return_false' );

    Hi Josh,

    Many thanks that now works fantastically.


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