• I am working on implementing the xili-language plugin within the iA3 template.

    This filter:

    /** * in twentyten theme: display the date of current post */
    function xiliml_get_translated_date($thedate, $format = '') {
    	$theformat = (''== $format) ? get_option('date_format') : $format ;
    	return the_xili_wp_local_time($theformat,strtotime(xiliml_get_the_date('m/d/Y H:i')));

    …that is part of the plugin, clearly targeting the twentyten theme, filters out my date; it just disapears!:

    <time datetime="<?php the_time('c') ?>" pubdate="pubdate"><?php the_date() ?></time>

    What can I do, beside stripping it out of the plugin, to correct the situation?



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