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  • Thread Starter graham93674


    Its happening on 3 more of the WP blogs I host too. I think the number of occurrences listed in the error_log is dependant on how many IP addresses are banned at that blog.

    I think the ereg() function was probably deprecated in php as of version 5.3, so if that’s your version of php, it doesn’t mean anything is necessarily broken, but it means that the plugin was written using a php function that’s no longer going to be supported in php versions going forward. Your log level is just giving you a warning. I tagged this post with WP-Ban so the author would be more likely to see it.

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    Fixed Let me know if you have any issues

    Thread Starter graham93674


    Thanks for the fast response. I just updated the plugin at two sites and I’ll monitor the logs in the coming days.

    I’ve been using this for a few months.
    I ban any IP that tries to log in as Admin.
    But I noticed that sometimes the same IP tries again.
    So I thought I would test it by tethering my laptop to my cellphone, getting the IP address and then Banning that IP.

    When I tried to go to my page, it still loaded!! It loads off-center, but it still loads. I thought I was supposed to get a BANNED message.

    Why doesn’t it ban?

    I looked at my Ban Stats and it shows that my laptop’s IP address has made 4 attempts. Well yes, it has but it succeeded 4 times as well.

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    I can’t reproduce that problem on my end. I know some users faces that. You can also try blocking IP via .htaccess

    Thanks for the response.
    I just did another test.
    The URL loads on but without ads and the format is slightly different. When I click on any links, THEN it goes to the ban page.

    I don’t want my banned users to know they are banned. I want them to think the website is frozen, so I uploaded a print screen of the first page, listing the blog articles.

    Still I would prefer that they get an immediate BANNED image and not have to click to be banned.

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    That might be many possibility like a plugin/theme conflit?, are you able to get a fresh install of WP just with WP-Ban?

    Hi Lester,
    I think it has to do with my IP being from a cellular provider.
    Because when I tried banning my cable IP address, it worked just fine.

    Is there anyway to add images or css styles to the BAN page?
    I’d like it to look more like a part of the website.

    I don’t know how to do CSS but I can copy and paste very well!!
    any ideas?

    What I’d really like is to add a “screen shot” of my blog to the WP-Ban template so that the banned user can’t tell they’ve been banned. It will just look like a non-functioning page. I’ve tried this: but it’s not working. Any help is appreciated.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" lang="en-US">
    <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/html">
    <title>%SITE_NAME% - %SITE_URL%</title>
    <div id="wp-ban-container">
    <body background="/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Index.jpg">

    [Please be sure to use the code buttons when posting code here]

    Plugin Author Lester Chan


    you can add inline css style to it

    Hi Lester,
    I’ve been to that site and I tried all three ways, external, internal and inline, according to the directions. But I must be doing something wrong because nothing seems to “stick”. The reason I want to do a stealth ban, is because I’m being stalked. I wish they would go away and if they think the site is dead or messed up, they might lose interest. If they know they’ve been banned, they’ll just use a proxy IP.

    I also mentioned earlier, that there are certain IP’s that don’t get banned. My laptop IP address was one. the other, Trend Micro and the IP address is: and also
    The host name is wtp-gs-maya5.sjdc
    They are known to send bad bots but for some reason banning them doesn’t work. They keep trying to log in as Admin, but are blocked after 4 attempts. I would like a permanent solution to banning them.

    I know you’re busy with work, just thought I’d see if you know have some quick solutions for a newbie.

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