What is your site url?
– gtmetrix will tell you how optimized your site is, that’s the rank you see
– a good optimization means your site follows the best practices for optimization, or in other words, there’s little or none to improve on your site frontend (html, js, css)
– the fact that your site is optimized, doesn’t mean it’s fast. Sure it will be faster than without optimization, but in relative terms, it can be slow depending on the amount of data it has, how slow your server is, how slow the network is, etc
In other words, you either have too much content (lets say, videos or large images on load), or your server is slow, or your network is slow.
You have to look at the page size on gtmetrix and requests.
It should not exceed more than 1MB and less than 50 requests if possible.
If it doesn’t, or if the difference is not much more than that, then you need a faster server and a faster cdn, so that “those optimized files”, are “delivered faster”.
Optimization is fine, but either payload or delivery can still be slow.
gtmetrix ranks you for optimization, not how large your site is or how long it takes.
Look at google lighthouse or pagespeed for advanced tips on how to improve your site… although, you will need a developer for the majority of the recommendations, if you already score 99 on gtmetrix.
A plugin like FVM helps but it’s still automatic.
A developer can see your theme or plugins bad practice in coding, while a plugin can’t.