I’ve got three stars! OK, I’ll try to catch five stars ??
First of all: we don’t use your email for any other messages, except as for system notices of your backup, and also, your email address is the username at our system, and account password recovering. So don’t worry about this.
Your account creation at our system – was not wrong and I’ll explain why.
You can confirm your website at our system in simple way with help of this plugin, but if your website is already not available and you need to recover – confirmation can be dificult.
In case, if your site is completely not available at all – you can require the third party control panel for restoration of your website.
I want to notice, that your account is FULLY FREE and you don’t need to paid for it monthly. We take money for one operation only, and only, if you really need it. We warn about cost in advance.
there aren’t save anything on my dropbox…
If there are technical issue, then this is another question and our technical support can help you to solve this problem quickly.
Now i have setting up a test site and… it’s OK! Nice extension.
Thanks for a praise, but “five stars” can bring us more incentive to development of this plugin.
Problem is on my site on production, perhaps too large archive?
I would exclude a problem of large archives. In most cases it can be issues with files and folders permissions or dropbox connections.
In anyway, please, contact our support(at]wpadm.com, so we can help you, or just use this link: https://www.wpadm.com/contact/
If you like this plugin, I will be grateful to you for “five stars”.
Thank you