• Hi,I tried the splash page plugin to get a fullscreen homepage, couple of questions in that regards:

    -how to get rid of white band on both side of the screen and make the image fit the screen

    -how to get rid of background color of that “continue to the site” text and make it transparent

    here is the website:

    thanks a lot

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  • Which plugin is this? You need to go to the plugins page, click on the support tab and scroll down to make a new post.

    Thread Starter memastudio


    I am using WP Splash Page, and there is no new post in this plug in.

    Thread Starter memastudio


    I want to get rid of the band
    here is the code:
    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>


    <meta charset=”<?php bloginfo( ‘charset’ ); ?>” />

    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />

    <!– === Page Title === –>
    <title><?php echo esc_html( $this->settings[‘page_title’] ); ?></title>

    <!– === Embedding style.css === –>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php echo esc_url( $this->template_url . ‘style.css’ ); ?>” type=”text/css” media=”all”/>

    <!– === Embedding script for YouTube Video === –>
    <?php if ( ! empty( $this->settings[‘youtube_id’] ) ) : ?>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo esc_url( $this->template_url . ‘video.js’ ); ?>”></script>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– === Dynamic Style === –>
    <style type=”text/css”>

    body {

    background-color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘background_color’]; ?>;
    background-image: <?php echo ( ! empty( $this->settings[‘image_url’] ) ) ? ‘url(‘ . $this->settings[‘image_url’] . ‘)’ : ‘none’; ?>;
    background-repeat: <?php echo $this->settings[‘repeat_image’]; ?>;
    background-position: <?php echo $this->settings[‘right_image’]; ?>;
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘text_color’]; ?>;

    /* === Highlight === */
    ::selection {
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘background_color’]; ?>;
    background-color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘title_color’]; ?>;

    #wpsp-title {
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘title_color’]; ?>;

    #wpsp-birthday-fieldset, #wpsp-birthday-fieldset input {
    border-color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘title_color’]; ?>;
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘text_color’]; ?>;

    #wpsp-continue {
    background-color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘continue_button_bg_color’]; ?>;
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘continue_button_text_color’]; ?>;

    #wpsp-continue:hover {
    background-color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘continue_button_text_color’]; ?>;
    color: #<?php echo $this->settings[‘continue_button_bg_color’]; ?>;



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