Hi @anlino,
Thank you for this very speedy fix! It works now. Just FYI, although the group-wide block is now fine with paras, I thought I’d be helpful and I did a test on other blocks. I found issues with the following full-width group/block configurations:
[Wide group [para justified none]] NOW WORKS FINE
[Wide group [para justified left]] NOW WORKS FINE
[Wide group [para justified right] NOW WORKS FINE
[Wide group [para justified centre]] NOW WORKS FINE
[Full width group [para justified none]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [para justified left]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [para justified right]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME RIGHT
[Full width group [para justified centre]] WORKS FINE
[Full width group [quote justified none]] QUOTE GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [quote justified left]] QUOTE GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [quote justified right]] QUOTE GOES TO EXTREME RIGHT
[Full width group [quote justified centre]] WORKS FINE
[Full width group [pullquote justified none]] WORKS FINE
[Full width group [pullquote justified left]] QUOTE GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [pullquote justified right]] QUOTE GOES TO EXTREME RIGHT
[Full width group [pullquote justified wide]] NOT VERY CENTRED IN PAGE, ABIT FLUSH LEFT
[Full width group [pullquote justified full]] NOT VERY CENTRED IN PAGE, ABIT FLUSH LEFT
[Full width 2 columns [para justified none]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT ON LEFT COLUMN, RIGHT COLUMN WORKS FINE
[Full width 2 columns [para justified left]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT ON LEFT COLUMN, RIGHT COLUMN WORKS FINE
[Wide width 2 columns [para justified right]] WORKS FINE
[Wide width 2 columns [para justified centre]] WORKS FINE
[Full width group 2 columns[para justified none]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT ON LEFT COLUMN
[Full width group 2 columns[para justified left]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME LEFT ON LEFT COLUMN
[Full width group 2 columns[para justified right]] PARA GOES TO EXTREME RIGHT ON RIGHT COLUMN
[Full width group 2 columns[para justified centre]] WORKS FINE
* If I full-width group the columns, everything breaks.
[Wide width group [heading of any size]] WORKS FINE
[Full width group [heading of any size]] HEADING GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [verse para justified none]] VERSE GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [verse para justified left]] VERSE GOES TO EXTREME LEFT
[Full width group [verse para justified right]] VERSE GOES TO EXTREME RIGHT
[Full width group [verse para justified centre]] WORKS
Alas, that is one hell of a lot of fixes… the terror of Gutenberg – on an unrelated note, I realised the Classic Block Editor is also broken ??Anyhow, truly appreciate your kind assistance and hard work in getting the fixes out so quickly.
Good day,
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