• Does anyone know if it’s possible to have a summary rss feeds as default, but also give the user the option to read a full text feed with say an additional code after the /feed permalink for example /feed?full-text1254 ?

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  • I would really like this feature as well if anyone knows, please share.

    I’ve written a plugin called DualFeeds, which does EXACTLY this – it allows you to offer your readers both a full post feed and a summary feed so your subscribers can choose the format that suits them.

    The full post format strips the more tag, so it really is the full post. The summary format uses the excerpt if one exists, the more tag if it exists, or cuts the post after a userdefinable number of characters. Works with all feeds (ie category feeds, etc, not just the main site feed).

    Note, by default, the normal feed is the full text feed and the additional one is the summary, but you can switch this if you want.

    If you want to check it out, the url is https://www.scratch99.com/wordpress-plugin-dualfeeds/

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