Thanks for the kind words! Glad you have found the plugin useful! We used it all last school year for our PTA web site, and it has worked great.
At this time, there are no core features or extensions that will add those two features you are requesting. #2 has the best possibility of being added at some point, as one of our own PTA chairs last year had wanted a simple way to send thank-yous to volunteers.
Although there is not a way built-in to directly send a mass email, it is quite easy to export all the signups for any sheet to a CSV file, which will include the emails, and then just send a message to all those emails with whatever email program the person uses. A couple extra steps, but it can be done when needed.
For #1 I created that for privacy/protection of personal info from the public since our sheets (on our school PTA site) are open to the public. The only option at this point is to show the names with just the first letter of the last name, or to use “filled” if you want to hide names completely. There is no option to show the complete name to the public.
If you are handy with PHP you could easily create some code (in your theme’s functions.php file, or as a simple plugin) to modify how the name is displayed, as I have a filter hook already in place for that. See lines 563 to 569 of class-pta_sus_public.php to see how the “display_signup” variable is put together and the filter hook for modifying it.
In additions to the requests for features that appear in this support forum, I get quite a few messages from my plugin sites with requests for features as well.
There is simply no way for me to fulfill everyone’s feature requests, and even if I tried the plugin would quickly get out of control by trying to make it do too many things for too many requests, and so many options that it would be too confusing.
Since I don’t earn any money off these free plugins, and nobody ever donates, new feature requests are extremely low on my priority list unless it’s something we need for our own school PTA web site, or enough people ask for it that I think I might be able to make some coffee money if I release it as a cheap extension.
The plugin already does so much more than we initially needed for our own PTA site, as I do try to add some of the more requested features when I have time, but that time is becoming increasingly rare as I have a family to consider, and better ways to spend what little free time I have.
Paid work takes priority, and I’m always willing to customize plugins on a paid “for hire” basis, or move new features up to the top of the list if people are willing to chip in and help pay for at least part of my time. You can contact me through my plugins site if you are interested in hiring me for custom work.
All I can promise right now is that I’ll add those to my extremely long list of feature requests. However, I can’t promise if or when I will add them.
This is all under the terms of the GNU open source license, so anybody is free to take this code and modify it to do whatever they want. That’s a condition of hosting plugins here at, and this plugin itself started off as another plugin that I modified to fit the needs of our school PTA (see the “Other Notes” section).
Sorry for the long reply. Not really a “rant”, but hopefully that sheds a bit of light on the situation I’m facing with lots of feature requests as this plugin gets more popular.
I will mark this resolved since this is a feature request and not really a support issue or bug.