• Gday PMP,
    I know this sounds contra to the plugin purpose, but my client has another level of Member required in addition to paid members, and that is for their own ‘Board Members’. They would like a privy area to share internal documents…but they won’t be charged for the membership. Is that possible with this plugin, to add them freely, without charge?


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  • Hey Darryl – couldn’t you just use the standard WP password protection on those posts or pages for this? Your client could then distribute the password to their board members and they wouldn’t even need to create WP user accounts for them.

    If you want the security enforced by PMPro then you could create a coupon for free access and then distribute the coupon code only to the Board. Just remember that PMPro only allows each user to have access to a single membership level at a time though. If the board members also needed access to other PMPro-protected content then this setup wouldn’t work.

    Hi itchybrain,

    @essaysnark is correct. You could also create the user accounts manually and then edit their profile and set a specific membership. This would allow them to have the “free” membership as you requested since you manually created the users/set membership.


    Forgive me if I seem dumber than a box of rocks but, when it comes to this sort of manual manipulation of user accounts, maybe I am.

    Do you mean that we can set any user account from the admin panel in WordPress (i.e., under Users) to enable access to otherwise protected content? Is it just a matter of changing the user’s selected membership level there, or does it need to be changed somewhere else as well? Is this also the way to enable full access to the site’s admins?

    I’ve tried this with a text account but when I logged back into that account I no longer landed on the home page of the site as before. Instead, I got an error message (“Well, this is embarrassing …” and a list of the posts that are protected.

    Sorry, I figured out that last glitch, but I’d still like to be clear about how to enable admin access and selected-user access to the protected content.

    @cdpinc, this stuff is confusing at first!

    There are two different content protection methods being discussed here:

    1. Standard WordPress password-protected posts and pages:

    This is what would work for the OP’s situation. In this case, there are no changes needed to the WP user record in the admin. Instead, a password is assigned to the post/page, and then you would give that password to the users who are supposed to have access. WP governs who gets to see what. Users need to enter the password on a per-post (or -page) basis.

    2. PMPro-protected posts (and categories)

    With the PMPro plugin, users will get access to the protected content if they are members of the corresponding PMPro membership level. Users enter their own password (set when they create their WP account) when signing in to your site from the frontend, and then they have access to all posts for that membership level. With PMPro, there are several ways that a user can be granted access to that membership level, including what you described: the WP admin can assign the membership to the user’s record in the backend screen. Admin users also need to have access to the membership level in order to view protected content. Remember that at the moment, PMPro only allows each user to belong to one membership level at a time, though there are some workarounds for this and changes are coming in the future to remove this limitation.

    Basically though, it sounds like you are understanding things correctly!

    I am considering using this and I have a membership site now. Members have already paid their dues for 2014. If I install this how would I get those members who have already paid dues into the program with full privileges? From what has been written is seems I could do it from Admin. Is this true?


    Hey Roy – yes absolutely, it would be easy to do; it just involves editing the user’s record and assigning the membership level. The only possible issue is you would need to do it on each user individually. AFAIK there’s no bulk update option through the admin screens, so if you have a lot of users that might be a pain. You could always do an update through the database if your technical skills are up to the task.

    Hi GolfPro,

    You could import users using the PMPro Import Users from CSV Add-on located here: https://github.com/strangerstudios/pmpro-import-users-from-csv. You can set their start/expiration dates as well as other information.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank You

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