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  • Oh no, it was no problem at all! I was just providing some feedback regarding my experience as I know @jimgasperini found a problem when updating to the latest version.

    Plugin Author slickremix


    Hey Tim,
    Oh, I see now! That’s awesome thank you for that! Well, either way, in the future we will make things even easier and get rid of the issues with shortcodes needing to be regenerated at times and also having to regenerate them if you want to change settings! Seems overcomplicated right!? We agree! We always try and make things as easy as possible for the end users and try to think about that when developing and creating code! ??

    Justin Labadie

    So I updated the plugin, and tried to get a new shortcode in Settings. It told me I needed a page ID. I went to Facebook Options.
    Though I already had an Access Code, I suspected I needed to go through that. I selected the button to request an access code.
    I got a page asking me to log in – my personal self, saying nothing about the page I manage. I did, and was asked if I wanted SlickRemix to “manage my Facebook pages.” Hell no.

    Back on Facebook options, I tried to get a new Facebook ID. I was told
    “Click on a page in the list below and it will add the Page ID and Access Token above, then click save.”
    There were no pages in “the list below.”
    The shortcode page still wanted me to supply a Facebook Page ID.

    I have rolled back the plugin again, and guess I will just leave it that way.

    Your page ID is “uuberkeley”

    That page ID I pasted in was based off the shortcode you shared in another support thread.

    If you go to the Facebook page in question on a desktop computer, your page ID is part of the URL (i.e.

    I believe once your ID is entered and you click on get an Access Token there will be no requirement for SlickRemix to manage your Facebook pages.

    @slickremix may have a different response but my notes above are based on my experience. Good luck @jimgasperini!

    Plugin Author slickremix


    @jimgasperini The only reason it says we need permission to Manage your Pages is so that we can return a list of pages you are admin of and so you can get a new token. Trust me we don’t have time to be working on anything other than keeping this plugin working ??

    However if you don’t get a new access token at some point your feed will fail even in 2.5.2 and that is because when or if you ever change your facebook password it will revoke the token and you’ll have to use the button anyway. How may I ask did you get an access token in the first place?

    I would also suggest upgrading the the latest version 2.5.6 because the whole reason the plugin was taken down was because we had to correct some issues with escaping and sanitizing. 2.5.2 is not a safe/stable version to have installed.


    Ah. I imagine the question “Do you want [third party] to manage your Facebook pages?” comes from FB, not something you can control. I don’t remember being asked that the first time I got an access token two years ago, but in any case now I understand.

    I went through the process, got a new token etc., and now the feed works fine.

    Thanks for helping me sort through this.

    Plugin Author slickremix


    @jimgasperini Yes yes, but now that you mention it I think it’s a good idea I put some remarks about that because as I can see it’s a bit of a gray area for some users. Thanks again for sticking it out through the rocky times!


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