• OK, I’ve spent several hours now trying to get a simple display of my Amazon Wish List in the sidebar.

    First, I tried the plugin from Two Ells:
    It produced errors all over the WP admin area.

    Next, I tried CG-Amazon:
    but found it overly complex for my needs, and could never get anything more than “No products found” to display (I don’t have to add my wishlist products to the DB do I? I assume the script automatically fetches products from my wishlist, right?)

    Finally, I tried thoughcrash’s Amazon Wish List Plugin:
    but got errors related to Cache/Lite.php (I have the Snoopy class installed in my magpie dir, but what is this? The PEAR Cache::Lite extension?)

    All I want to do is display items from my amazon wish list. Can anyone recommend an easy to use plugin for WP that will allow me to do this?

    JF ??

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  • Now what I would like is to be able to link to my wishlist without Amazon showing what city/state I live in. Didn’t they used to keep that part anonymous?

    I’m not sure. They have to make certain details public to differentiate each person, thus the options:
    This list will be viewable by:
    Anyone who searches for me.
    Only people I have invited with the "Share this list" feature.
    Only me.

    I’m not sure there’s a way to give public-access to your wishlist, but not let people know where you live…

    I mean, I could grab the wishlist, and rejigger the URLs so that they DON’T point to your wishlist, but the information is still out there. At that point, you are better off maintaining your own product list in CGA (tag items with ‘wish’, and display items with that tag), and have people contact you for where to ship it, or to give them direct access to your REAL wishlist.


    When they first started the wishlist, you could have a link on your website and not be searchable and remain anonymous enough than online friends could chose to buy you Christmas presents, etc. or pay for online services like creating themes, etc. and yet, you could safely remain anonymous. It’s just a privacy issue with me.

    I worry about all the information people are giving out to each other online. Mind you, I have what city I live in on my website. ?? I also have pictures of the Festival that’s held there displayed in my photo gallery. But then, I also don’t use my real name, nor is my real name listed in the phone book. Heck, even my pets have online aliases…So…

    It’s just a pet peeve.

    Hey, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone’s not out to get you….

    I too am having a very similar problem displaying amazon.ca wishlists from a website mentioned above – lazyi.net/projects/amazon-wishlist/
    and a website I found: https://www.thestrongcross.com/?page_id=14

    I get nothing at all after installing and configuring it exactly how I want it. In fact all css on the page ceases to be called after it calls on the wishlist function – that is I see “My Amazon Wishlist” on a page or sidebar and below it the background and formatting disappear.

    here is some code with my wishlist number
    ‘<?php displayAmazonWishlist(“2PG3HNCXLKRK8”); ?>’

    This particular plugin required me to download the ‘xml parser’ plugin, the ‘wp-amazon-workflow’ plugin and then the ‘wp-amazon-wishlist plugin’ which I did but with no luck. Anybody help me out??

    If I get a chance over the weekend, I’ll try to look at whether they ever fixed the issue that CG-Amazon had uncovered (that is, CA didn’t support wishlist retrieval via web services). I don’t know that I’ve ever checked, given I spent MONTHS trying to get a response from Amazon and never did. Their developer support STINKS.


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