Frustrated!! Need help with WOW Slider install and styling!
I am using the 2011 theme (child theme, actually), WP 3.4.2. I purchased the WOW Slider (v2.4) through the app store yesterday. I want to make a slider that is smaller in size and only takes up about a quarter, maybe a third of the header on the left. There are a few sets of instructions that I’m struggling with/confused by/frustrated as heck over.
1- I got it saved/uploaded as a WP plugin. Great. The instructions say to get the template tag and insert it in the header.php file. Nice. But WHERE??? PLEASE don’t tell me “wherever you want it to appear” – that’s all over the internet, I need specific suggestions.
2 – css styling this thing – um, yeah… In my style.css folder I went in and told it where to go. Looked great. Then I went to remove the grey line at the top of the page that 2011 seems to think is necessary. Here’s where everything goes way, way south. When I put the css (#branding) to remove the grey line above the style code for the slider, the #branding is completely ineffective. When I move it below the css for the slider, the slider goes back to sitting in the low in the middle (I’m using the new Shady) and the shadow effect is gone. In fact, every time I stick anything in the style sheet, the style for slider goes. Done deal. I think I should also mention that I’ve tried doing it by creating a div id and a div class (not at the same time) and neither worked. As far as the stupid grey line is concerned, I just went to the parent page and changed the color to transparent there, and it worked looks fine.
3 – regarding where to put the template tag – between <head> and </head> or <body> and </body>?
4 – thinking I was doing this completely wrong, I scrapped the tag and everything I created that was associated with it and tried the method of saving it to a folder and inserting the html from the index file, and made sure the engine and data folders were uploaded, as well. Instead of the slider, I got giant black squares stacked on top of each other, one for each picture used in the slider, with the navbar/content area/etc. shoved way down the page underneath.
I am insanely frustrated with this, especially given how dang much I paid for it through the app store, and the last update on the app store was in early August, 2012. But on WordPress I’m seeing there’s a version 2.5.3??
So…. which is it, use the template tag or the html code to insert my slider into my header? If template tag (easiest), then what extra “thing” do I need to do to edit it? Would it be better to do an internal style sheet? If html code, then what the heck do I need to fix in order to make it actually work?? I know that sometimes java scripts can cancel each other out, is there something I need to do with regard to that, to?
Somebody please give me a reason not to completely uninstall this and send a nasty letter somewhere!
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