• I want to add images to the static homepage/frontpage. (the ones that grow larger when you scroll over them. The home featured page images. But I don’t know how to do that AND not have the image appear on the page that the link goes to. Is there a way to not have the image on the landing page but still display on the frontpage?

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  • Try:

    .tc-thumbnail.span4 {
      display: none;

    This will suppress the image on the Posts page, if that is what you meant?

    Thread Starter saveongolf


    thanks for your response. Is this the only way to do it though? Here is the site Save On Golf ..not nearly done. If you click on the flame image for instance it takes you to the page, but I don’t want the flame displayed there. My question really is how do I get the flame image to show up on the main page and not on the landing page? Is that the only method to get it there without suppressing the image on the landing page? I’d think there would be some way to change that image on one page without having to suppress images on another right? I mean is there an area like you change the main logo to change those images?


    .size-full.wp-image-61.alignleft {
      display: none;

    Open 24 hours:

    .alignnone.size-full.wp-image-68 {
      display: none;

    May be a smarter way, but that fixes those 2 images.

    Thread Starter saveongolf


    Thanks again for your quick response. Much appreciated. So I’m correct that there is no WYSIWYG way to upload that image? It has to be added to the landing page and then hidden? Seems like a bad way to do it.

    You’re correct.

    If you think about it, the Theme is designed to satisfy the different needs of 100,000’s of Users, so @nikeo has to make judgements on features that are needed by the majority of Users. So Pareto’s 80/20 rule applies, and your feature falls into the 20 I’m afraid!

    But I think you’d be unlikely to find a Theme that exactly matches your needs, so these little compromises are the result. Unless you want to write your own Theme, or design against a blank template Theme (they exist), then the only alternative is find a more-suited Theme.

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    @saveongolf, if you want the image of the featured page to be displayed on the front page but NOT inside the actual linked page, just define a featured image for this page and you are done!
    But I might miss something here.
    Cheers guys

    Thread Starter saveongolf


    Hey Nikeo. Where would I do that? in the images “folder”?

    No, in the page edit screen, bottom right.

    Thread Starter saveongolf


    what I think you’re both missing…unless I’m missing what you are saying…is that I don’t want the image on the page. I want it to appear on the bottom of the frontpage. It seems the only way to add an image to the clickable images on the frontpage is to add it as a featured image on the interior page. Which in my opinion is crazy. I have to assume there is some way to do this without going into the code? No? Elec.feet…I looked at what you are describing and it sets the image for both the frontpage of the site and for the page you are featuring it on. I just want the image on the front page.

    It seems the only way to add an image to the clickable images on the frontpage is to add it as a featured image on the interior page. Which in my opinion is crazy.No?

    Not really. You’re linking to that page. So it seems logical to link automatically to the featured image of that page. For me it’s just fine. No one’s complained about it so far, so I assume it’s good for others too. I don’t know enough about WordPress to comment on whether that’s how other themes work or not.

    Elec.feet…I looked at what you are describing and it sets the image for both the frontpage of the site and for the page you are featuring it on.

    Yes, that’s how the theme works.

    I just want the image on the front page.

    Then you could try removing the featured pages section and add your own pictures instead.

    Saveongolf, let me see if I understood what you want. You selected a static page as your frontpage and want to add some images in the content and you want the same bubble effect on them without linking anywhere?
    If so, you need to put

    <div class="thumb-wrapper "><a class="round-div" href="#" onclick="return false;"></a>

    before the <img /> tags and


    after it. They will have the bubble effect and not link anywhere. For pagination, you’ll need to wrap all the images inside a .row and use .span# and .offset# classes. See Boostrap documentation.

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