• Hi all,

    The code updates I have been mentioning in various packages are finally to a point where they can be released.

    The Readme follows.

    [ Moderator note: Backticks inserted, you really don’t need to post that here. A link would have sufficed. ]

    README 2RRR 1.0 For WP User Frontend Version: 1.1 fork: 2RRR 1.0 alpha
    This is a fork from WP User Frontend Version 1.1.
    It currently only applies to the Add Post and Edit Post functionality on WP User Frontend.
    Use of AjaxForm for Ajax style posts is the next step in this project.
    It focuses on both useability and ease of customerization.
    There are some bug fixes included as well.
    Some of these changes are outlined by the following items on the WP User Frontend support forum.
    Changes from WP User Frontend Version 1.1
     * Main Changes from Version 1.1:
     * Custom editor option added.
     * Editors use max availiable width.
     * Close button added as shortcut option and redirects set to suit.
     * wpuf_allow_cats filter added.
     * Security checks updated.
     * Code updated to allow use of wpuf_can_post filter for non logged in users.
    This code is ALPHA! Use it at you own risk!
    It currently has only been tested in the following configuration.
    Wordpress 3.4.2
    Firefox 16.0.2
    IBM PC
    This code is a public development fork of WP User Frontend.
    It is not written by or supported by the author of WP User Frontend (Tareq Hasan) and is not an official release of WP User Frontend.
    So please be aware this code may not be included in the next official release of WP User Frontend.
    Please report bugs via this special topic on the WP User FrontEnd forum 
    Please report only bugs here. 
    All suggestions for updates to WP User Frontend need to go to the normal support forum.
    This update requires the pre-installation of WP User FrontEnd version 1.1.
    If you have another version of WP User Front End installed this update will not work.
    Changed code is in /wp-user-frontend in the same directory structure as the original files.
    Before using make a copy of your original files for safe keeping just in case something breaks.
    Then copy the files across.
    Examples of use are provided in the directory /examples.
    Add Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_addpost close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	post_type: post | <otherPostType>
    		post: (default)
    		<otherPostType>: other post types
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Edit Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_edit close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Last word
    Hope you find this useful. Please report bugs as mentioned above.
    Big thanks to Tareq Hasan for his work putting together WP User Frontend.



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  • Thread Starter professor99


    Hi Turismo,

    1. There is an option in the ‘Others’ tab ‘Show custom fields in the post’. Try that and see if it makes any difference.

    2. Strange indeed. Could you try this for an attachments and then for featured image with the post notification off.

    3. Then try changing the following line in wpuf-add-post.js (with and without post notification)

    timeout: 3000,


    timeout: 6000,

    If that works change the same line in wpuf-edit-post.js

    timeout: 6000,

    With that you have solved my second problem!!!
    Thank you very much.

    Onto mail with “Permalink :” you have solved my first problem!

    It is all ok! ??

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi Turismo. Glad to of helped. Did you try turning post notification off? Just want to eliminate possibilities.

    I use ever “notification on”. I have not tried with “notification off”.

    Thread Starter professor99


    To recipent98,

    Try the timeout fix that seems to of worked for Turismo.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi Turismo, Could you try it with post notification off and timeout at 3000. It would tell me a lot about the real nature of the problem.

    Sorry but now with timeout at 3000 and notification off works.
    But.. unbelivable! notification on and timeout at 3000 works very good.
    Uff, now i’m confused!!!

    Thread Starter professor99


    It really depends on server load. When notification is on the wordpress wp_mail function is invoked which can be rather slow. The attachments and featured images are updated directly after with a simple post database update. Given a setting of 3000 has been now found to be intermittent on your server I think setting it to 6000 is a safe bet for you when post notification is on.

    New little issue. Before of that plugin if i edited my post with html, sorry but i never use visual. Now with this plugin appear ever Visual (as first option), it is a problem because if i switch from visual to html…
    html change and i must rewrite all code!
    Can you help me with this personal issue?

    Thread Starter professor99


    You can remove the following lines in wpuf.php

    //BugFix: Use of WordPress dashboard can leave tinymce editor in "HTML" mode.
    //This forces tinymce to "Visual" mode on start.
    add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', create_function('', 'return "tinymce";') );

    This is initially there because otherwise Frontend uses the mode setting that the user used in the last WordPress rear end post (ie Not Frontend). The far majority of users want to use the Visual as a default.

    However when it comes to editing pages with layout elements TinyMCE has a nasty habit of stripping lines spaces, breaks, etc when switching between HTML and Visual as your no doubt experiencing.

    A few little workarounds that you might be interested in to survive the switching.


    <p class="dummy">Your text</p>

    The dummy class isn’t defined but this stops the stripping of paragraph markup

    Line Breaks
    <br class="blank" />

    Again the class blank isn’t defined but this stops the stripping of line breaks

    Thank you, now i can write in html ??

    After update to Development Fork 4.4 getting this bullets problem that were not faced in 4.2

    Solved it. Firebug helped me to solve. Its a problem of theme’s css. I have change
    .entry ul li {list-style: inside disc;}
    .entry ul li {list-style: none;}

    In a previous post the Professor wrote that newer frontend versions now being worked on include a Captcha for non logged in users.
    I would like to know when this new release will come out and if there is already a development version available

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