• Hi all,

    The code updates I have been mentioning in various packages are finally to a point where they can be released.

    The Readme follows.

    [ Moderator note: Backticks inserted, you really don’t need to post that here. A link would have sufficed. ]

    README 2RRR 1.0 For WP User Frontend Version: 1.1 fork: 2RRR 1.0 alpha
    This is a fork from WP User Frontend Version 1.1.
    It currently only applies to the Add Post and Edit Post functionality on WP User Frontend.
    Use of AjaxForm for Ajax style posts is the next step in this project.
    It focuses on both useability and ease of customerization.
    There are some bug fixes included as well.
    Some of these changes are outlined by the following items on the WP User Frontend support forum.
    Changes from WP User Frontend Version 1.1
     * Main Changes from Version 1.1:
     * Custom editor option added.
     * Editors use max availiable width.
     * Close button added as shortcut option and redirects set to suit.
     * wpuf_allow_cats filter added.
     * Security checks updated.
     * Code updated to allow use of wpuf_can_post filter for non logged in users.
    This code is ALPHA! Use it at you own risk!
    It currently has only been tested in the following configuration.
    Wordpress 3.4.2
    Firefox 16.0.2
    IBM PC
    This code is a public development fork of WP User Frontend.
    It is not written by or supported by the author of WP User Frontend (Tareq Hasan) and is not an official release of WP User Frontend.
    So please be aware this code may not be included in the next official release of WP User Frontend.
    Please report bugs via this special topic on the WP User FrontEnd forum 
    Please report only bugs here. 
    All suggestions for updates to WP User Frontend need to go to the normal support forum.
    This update requires the pre-installation of WP User FrontEnd version 1.1.
    If you have another version of WP User Front End installed this update will not work.
    Changed code is in /wp-user-frontend in the same directory structure as the original files.
    Before using make a copy of your original files for safe keeping just in case something breaks.
    Then copy the files across.
    Examples of use are provided in the directory /examples.
    Add Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_addpost close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	post_type: post | <otherPostType>
    		post: (default)
    		<otherPostType>: other post types
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Edit Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_edit close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Last word
    Hope you find this useful. Please report bugs as mentioned above.
    Big thanks to Tareq Hasan for his work putting together WP User Frontend.



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  • WPChina


    @teresax I also received your same installation error and then I found how to fix it. You need to follow these instructions:

    1) First install the normal WP User Frontend version 1.1 plugin.
    2) Activate it.
    3) Then download the latest version of this great fork here:
    4) You must then use FTP to copy over and replace the files from the fork to the old plugin in your /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend directory. The fork does not contain all the files, so when you are done you will have some of the new forked files and some of the old files together in that directory.
    5) You then just refresh your WordPress admin area in your browser and the new fork plugin will appear ??

    Thread Starter professor99


    The next release of this development fork 4.3 is now available.

    This update adds a Slug and Post Status fields and fixes some bugs.
    Notably it enables frontend to work with the default WordPresss permalinks which only include page ids.

    It also fixes a few bugs with attachment and images uploads (particulary with WordPress 3.5.1) and now links these properly with there parent post rather than being ‘unattached’ in the Media Library.

    This hasn’t yet been extensively tested on Internet Explorer 9 & 10 and I would be grateful if someone could test this especially with the WordPress 2010 and 2011 themes.

    There are other minor changes as well which are listed in the README at the following link


    Screenshots for the edit page can be found at the following links (Same as 3.0)



    It currently has only been tested in the following configurations.

    WordPress 3.4.2 & 3.5
    Apache Server
    PHP 5.2 & 5.3
    WordPress 2010 Theme
    WordPress 2011 Theme
    Firefox 16.0.2
    Safari 5.0.533.16 (should work 4.1+)
    Chrome 23.0.1271.95m (should work 5.0+)
    Internet Explorer 7.0 & 8.0
    Windows XP

    Bug Reports for other configurations would be greatly appreciated.

    The update can be downloaded at the following link


    A Github repository is available at the following link



    This development version unlike the previous ones is a complete version of WPUF. If you already have WPUF installed move it’s directory out of the WordPress plugin directory it case you want to reinstall it (Note the downgrade instructions in the ReadMe).

    Then install as a normal WordPress plugin. Simply unzip it and copy the wp-user-frontend directory to the WordPress plugin directory.

    Activate it and Presto!




    Hi professor99

    are you interested in adding the repost ability into your 2RRR Fork?

    This is to be used in-conjunction with the post expirator when post expire it goes into a draft status, users then are able to “repost” that expired post so it is published again without entering the backend. It is different from adding a new post as it moves the original post out of draft to published, and it will pre-populate all the data in the original expired post.

    You reckon it could be achieved?

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi qzha017,

    I actually haven’t looked at the post expirator although I added the expiry time to the edit post form.

    However if as you say it simply changes the post status to draft could you can achieve the same effect by using the edit post form and putting in a new expiry time and changing the newly added post status field to publish?



    Hi professor99,

    Will the new features on the fork version being added into the main branch (WP User Frontend)?

    If the answer is no, why don’t you make the fork as a new plugin in WordPress plugin website, so user can search and download it from www.remarpro.com rather than from GitHub?

    I’m interested with this WP User Frontend, but now thinking which one should I use. The main branch or the fork.

    Both of you make a good job, very useful plugins.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi Handoko,

    The main branch will be updated once we have determined what features to leave in or out. We are also looking at a Pro version of Frontend that enables extreme customization via a new interface.

    There have been two reasons we have kept the three forks separate for now. Firstly all were undergoing extreme development concentrating on different parts of Frontend. Secondly we are making sure the forks works in the majority of cases (hence my forks alpha status).

    Once we get over the WordPress 3.5 problems and the addition of a preview button my fork will probably will go beta.

    As I state in the Readme not all features of the fork will go in the main branch as some are specific to my app and may not be appropriate for everybody.

    So which one to use?

    If the official release version does the job and you want an easy upgrade channel it’s the one to go for.

    If you love the features in the fork and cant live without them go for it.

    If you need much the same with multiple forms gpsake has an interesting fork.

    If you need multiple forms and/or the ability to customize everything wait another week or two for Tareq’s PRO version.



    I am agree with … Handoko Zhang .. I am also confused which one I should use. professor99 doing a great job and tareq’s next update will be release soon …




    Interesting, lets wait and see. I’ll regularly come back and check the progress.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Just updated the development fork with the right version number 1.1.0-fork-2RRR-4.3. If you installed 4.3 already don’t worry too much as the only effect if you don’t reload the release is that it will display as 1.1.0-fork-2RRR-4.2 otherwise



    Just downloaded and playing with it. In one word …. “Superb”.

    Thank you professor99 for your hard word and continuous effort on it.

    Some other feathers I will like to have (if possible) in the main/development version. I will start a new thread for it.



    Just tested it at localhost, everything seems working perfectly.

    But after submitting post (I tested in both lightbox and static page), the text fields become empty but the featured image stays there with “remove image” button.

    Has anyone noticed it?

    what If we kill the form completely and show a Thank You Message after submitting the post?

    Thread Starter professor99


    Sounds weird.

    What do you mean by “lightbox and static page”?

    What browser are you using?

    Try it in a different browser to see if it is a browser problem.

    As to a “Thank you Message” that would be a good idea especially for complaints departments :). Note some people have requested redirecting to a different page which could achieve this. Perhaps amending the redirect argument in the wpuf_addpost shortcode to include urls would be the best solution.



    I’m using chrome. If its not happening with you, the problem could be in my theme. lightbox screenshot : https://i.imgur.com/fGo9vlk.jpg

    Its not a big problem. I’ll use shortcut condition to close or to redirect at other page after posting.

    But i think killing entire form after posting and showing a big thank you message at the same page will be a good addition. It will not require a redirection to other page.

    Thanks you for your contribution in this plugin.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi wp_student,

    Congratulations you have won the 2nd Prize in the bug reporting competition! Can confirm your report on the featured image remaining is indeed a bug.

    As to the thank you message since most users don’t want a thank you message the redirect option (and most easily implemented) is the best option to satisfy most.

    For the meantime to I fix the bug if the image remaining is a problem you can already set the redirect and close options in the shortcode to return to the originating page (see the Readme).



    Hi, professor99. Your latest version looks great. But i have some q.
    Can the post’s attachments looks like a WP gallery but not like a list?

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