Hi Benjamin,
Appreciate the response – thanks.
However a little disappointed with restriction here. Whats the refund policy? I really wanted the event registration on a page, there’s no mention of this ‘not possible to display the form on the page without the pop-up window’ on any sales copy.
Also, I wouldn’t want to be charged $60/year for a product I’m not entirely happy with. It’s a shame because other than this oversight, i think you have a decent product. Would be happy to stay a customer should this be sorted out.
The default button is tiny. I need to customise the button – width, colour, padding, font size, radius corners – standard stuff. But when trying it the other night I couldn’t find the correct CSS classes.
Can you come back to on the above points ASAP please, I need to make a decision and I’m now running out of time.
Appreciate it, cheers