Frontend Display and Metabox
Happy New Year to you Sir,
There’s no easy way to show ACF Field values on the frontend of our website.
This plugin called Advanced Views ( — helps to show any ACF Field value on the frontend.
You can see the demonstration of its power in this video —
I don’t know why someone should help ACF, when ACF can actually help itself.
I asked that you should extend your ACF Shortcode ( , and give it the power to be able to translate all ACF Field values to the frontend.
You’ve still not done it. Why is that?
Why are you stubborn to implement this request?
98% of WordPress users are Drag-and-Drop users.
So they won’t code, and will never code.
You see, ACF had been stubborn, saying that it is built for Developers, and will therefore not bother to provide a way to translate ACF Field values to the frontend.
It’s time you stop that senselessness, and appeal to all WordPress users– through your ability to translate ACF Field values to the frontend simply by Shortcode, Dynamic content generators, Twig or whatever means.
For your clear information, Elementor didn’t create ACF, yet Elementor is making good money for being able to translate ACF Field values to the frontend, through its ACF integration and Dynamic Tag features.
Why should ACF lag behind in this feature, while people who didn’t create ACF are making money for being able to translate ACF Field values to the frontend?
There’s this plugin called CMB2 ( )
Now, that plugin can do what ACF does.
But ACF succeeded more than the CMB2 plugin because of 3 things:
1.) ADMIN UI: With ACF installed, we can easily add Custom Fields, and create Custom Post Types, plus Custom Taxonomies through the Admin UI.
But CMB2 required us to still insert the fields we need by specifically coding them into the plugin.
This was a bit difficult and complex– so ACF won the point here.
Page Builders like Elementor Pro, and other Page Builders, made it possible to display ACF Field values on the frontend.
There’s no easy way to do this with CMB2 Metabox plugin without writing code, as you can see here–
So ACF won the point here again.
ACF had better support– we get quick and timely answers to questions, both on, and also on the ACF Support Forums.
So a lot of users gravitated easily to ACF, and again, ACF won the point here.
If you look at these 3 points for ACF, you will notice that the strongest points that helped ACF to win against CMB2 Metabox, was because ACF had a Backend Admin UI where non-techie people can see what they are actually creating.
Then by some stroke of good luck, Page Builders like Elementor Pro, and other Page Builders, made it possible to display ACF Field values on the frontend.
These important frontend possibilities, are the main things that gave ACF its victory.
At no point ever, did ACF win and become popular because it was “for Developers” as you claim.
That notion didn’t really win you points and affection. It was your Admin UI and frontend display possibilities that scored you your winning points.
Your Backend UI View, and Frontend view by Page Builders like Elementor, is why ACF won people’s hearts.
So stop that pointless notion of “for Developers” and embrace the 98% of non-coders who made ACF popular and victorious in the Custom Field race.
Provide us with a way to display all ACF Field values in the frontend– by Shortcode, Dynamic content generators, Twig or whatever means.
2.) METABOXES— by using CMB2 and Pods( —- we can actually create Metaboxes.
Now, a Metabox is just a field container that holds a field.
When creating a Post in WordPress– Publish, Featured Image, Categories, Tags, Excerpt, and those other expandable and collapsible boxes we see on the right side, are Metaboxes.
I’m talking of these—
I am able to create such things (Metaboxes) with CMB2 and Pods.
I want to be able to create the same thing (Metabox) with ACF.
So beyond Custom fields, Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies, when will ACF make it possible for us to be able to create Metaboxes using ACF?
Needing to hear from you soon.
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