• can i add more front page sections to the home page with latest post as main content.(not static)
    I’d like to add more sections underneath the latest post ? if so how?

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  • Hello,

    You can use Add Widget After Content plugin to add the section below the content.
    Instead of it, you can also add content by following the below method –
    1. Create a blog page and set it to the ‘post page’ from the Dashboard > Setting > Reading
    2. Create a template under Theme Panel > My library and copy the template shortcode.
    3. Go to Dashboard > pages > edit blog page > oceanwp settings metabox > shortcode tab and add the shortcode above the footer or a place where you want to display it.

    Hope it will help you.

    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hello Amit, It did Indeed . thank you so much. you are a star. The blog template worked. But not the widget.

    A) So If I want to add more sections, it has to be added in the same template right?

    I have some more following help i need and I hope you can help on this too. (I am using elementor (non-pro version) along with the site for some elements. I have a staging site on.

    1. I have about 188 posts. But it seems when I click on navigation links (previous and next) it skips many posts in between (about 35 skips, sometimes missing 2-8 posts) . I have checked the time stamps for publishing and they are consecutive. Could you help why that is happening?

    2. I would like to move OLDER POSTS button that is currently on the home page under the latest post on the right (page jump command) to the top left, above the post aligned on the same postion as navigation links (prev/next in the pages ahead). How do I do that. then I would like to replace that text “older posts” page jump with a small image-with-text on it that says “latest post” , but on hover image with text says “older posts””. So when I click on it it still retains the “older posts” command. Is it possible to do that? I hope I was articulate for you.

    3. I have disabled the CSS from elementor so it takes the theme CSS, yet it is not changing the photo caption Font size or family.

    4. I would like The links (internal and external both) in the body text ONLY for all posts to be in a different colour? how can I do that ? the link is there, but it is not changing colour even after I customised it on the theme customiser.

    5. I would also like to change the font size of PAGE TITLES under the Navigation links (Previous and Next) somehow I have tried all combos of CSS and its just not giving way.
    But I did manage to change the font size of “Previous” and “Next” .

    6. The search page throws up the thumbnails that are rounded coorners with box shadow. How can I change it to simple clean cut squares?

    7. Does ocean WP have category archive templates for different designs for search?

    A) Yes, you can add sections in the same template or different as per your need

    1. The next and previous links work based on tags. Therefore it is skipping the posts

    2,3,4,5 – Can you share your site link so that I can give the correct solution for those points?

    6. Use the below css code to change the thumbnail border-radius –

    .search-results article .thumbnail img {
        border-radius: 0;

    7. To achieve custom archive design, you need to modify the oceanwp > partials > entry folder files using the oceanwp child theme

    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hi Amit,Thanks again.
    for solutions to 1,2,3,4,5 points I am working on staging site that is password protected. How can I share that with you privately?

    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hi Amit,

    in addition there seems to be a new problem. I used duplicate post to copy 188, and paste a new latest post (189), I changed all text, image and the tags and categories. It shows up on the home page yes, but when i click on “continue reading” and go to 189 url, it is showing/taking the new title, tags and categories of 189, but the content (image and text ) is of the older post (188). I tried with yet another test after 189, (189_4 url slug), and it again took the new title, tags and categories of 189_4 but content is again of old post (188). What am I doing wrong?

    Please help.

    Have you edited the content? Have you reached the plugin support which you are using to duplicate the post? Also, try to use different post duplicate plugin and check it works properly or not.

    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hi Amit, Thanks that worked.
    But there are still the following points i need worked out please. I hope you consider my challenges as priority as I do have a deadline to release this site please? I’d be immensely grateful.
    For solutions to 1,2,3,4,5 points I am working on staging site that is password protected. How can I share that with you privately?

    1. I have about 188 posts. But it seems when I click on navigation links (previous and next) it skips many posts in between (about 35 skips, sometimes missing 2-8 posts) . I have checked the time stamps for publishing and they are consecutive. Could you help why that is happening?

    2. I would like to move OLDER POSTS button that is currently on the home page under the latest post on the right (page jump command) to the top left, above the post aligned on the same postion as navigation links (prev/next in the pages ahead). How do I do that. then I would like to replace that text “older posts” page jump with a small image-with-text on it that says “latest post” , but on hover image with text says “older posts””. So when I click on it it still retains the “older posts” command. Is it possible to do that? I hope I was articulate for you.

    3. I have disabled the CSS from elementor so it takes the theme CSS, yet it is not changing the photo caption Font size or family.

    4. I would like The links (internal and external both) in the body text ONLY for all posts to be in a different colour? how can I do that ? the link is there, but it is not changing colour even after I customised it on the theme customiser.

    5. I would also like to change the font size of PAGE TITLES under the Navigation links (Previous and Next) somehow I have tried all combos of CSS and its just not giving way.
    But I did manage to change the font size of “Previous” and “Next” .

    Since sharing contact information or email id is restricted here due to forum guidelines so it is not possible. If you are a paid user, then contact the support on oceanwp.org. Hope you understand it.

    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hi Amit,
    I see! Thanks so much anyway. I managed somehow for almost all..

    The skipping pages in navigation is still a bone of contention. why would navigation links of previous/next work on tags and not on dates published? Can you please please please suggest a solution ?

    I have about 189 posts and when I click on navigation links (previous and next) it skips many posts in between (about 35 skips, sometimes missing 2-8 posts) on one POST it doesn’t even appear. You said that they work on tags, is there a way around it so they go consecutively to previous/next posts?
    Please help.


    Thread Starter anusha75


    Hey Amit, not to worry, it seems i resolved it. By switching the prev/next taxonomy to Category in the customiser. Thank you.
    But out of curiosity and for future reference, what particular category is taxonomy using to be consecutive?

    Sorry, I didn’t understand it. Can you please explain it more?

    Thread Starter anusha75


    I changed the taxonomy from tags to Category in the customiser and the consecutive posts worked. Is it using one particular category as a default to be consecutive posts by published date as I preferred it ?

    Try adding the below code to the child theme’s functions.php file and check it works or not. I have not tested this code but it should work –

    function prefix_custom_next_prev_link( $args ) {
        if( is_single() ) {
            $args = array(
                'posts_per_page' => apply_filters( 'ocean_related_blog_posts_count', absint( get_theme_mod( 'ocean_blog_related_count', '3' ) ) ),
                'orderby'        => 'rand',
                'post__not_in'   => array( get_the_ID() ),
                'no_found_rows'  => true,
                'tax_query'      => array (
                    'relation'  => 'AND',
                    array (
                        'taxonomy' => 'post_format',
                        'field'    => 'slug',
                        'terms'    => array( 'post-format-quote', 'post-format-link' ),
                        'operator' => 'NOT IN',
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'ocean_blog_post_related_query_args', 'prefix_custom_next_prev_link' );
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