• Resolved bap23rd


    Hi Jose,

    Amazing plugin, and really helpful. On all my pages the plugin works great, except for the Front page. I am using the BizBoost theme.

    When I activated the plugin, the front page already had a mobile symbol on the pages list, indicating it had a mobile version of the page. However, there is no mobile page listed.

    If I select ‘Edit mobile’ it comes up with “You attempted to edit an item that does not exist. Perhaps it was deleted?”
    And if I attempt to visist the page on a mobile preview it sends me to my 404 page.

    I am quite new to WordPress, so I may be missing something obvious. But it does seem odd it would work fine on other pages but not my front page.

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  • Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @bap23rd

    I suspect it’s just an issue related to the CSS. Probably, one of your plugins or the theme overrides the CSS that hides the mobile icon when there is no mobile version of the page. I mean, you see a mobile version because you see the icon, but there is no mobile version.
    I don’t see other possible causes for this issue.

    Please, update to v. and let me know if you still have the same issue.

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter bap23rd


    I have updated the plugin. It removed the ‘+’ symbol, but has not fixed the issue. I tried deactivating other plugins but that doesn’t affect it, could be the theme maybe.

    I found out if I create a new page, make it the front page, and then add a mobile page it lets me access it on mobile. However, the mobile version does not display, only the desktop version.

    It seems issues only appear when a page is set as the front page. Any page I set as the front page causes the mobile page to stop working. Makes me think this could be an issue with my Homepage Settings but I am not too sure what?

    Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @bap23rd

    Please, update to v.
    I’ve right now tested the theme BizBoostVersion v. 1.0.1 and have no issues with the front page.

    If possible, please share the URL of your homepage.

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter bap23rd


    Hi Jose,

    I found out my WordPress hadn’t updated when I asked it to the other day, and the virtual phone simulator I was using didn’t work, but only for the homepage.

    I’m using a local host so I can’t yet share the site, but when testing the site on a real phone it does work. This issue must of somehow been the virtual phone I was using, although why it only affected the Homepage is beyond me.

    Anyway, the issue is now sorted, if you want to test with the virtual phone I was using, it is a Chrome plugin called “Mobile simulator – responsive testing tool“.

    Thank you for your help, and thank you for the amazing plugin!

    Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @bap23rd

    thank you for sharing this information.
    I’ve right now tested the Chrome extension Mobile SImulator, and I have no issues with the homepage of my testing installation.
    I simulated different mobile devices, and none of them gave me issues.

    I suspect you had a problem with the cache of your browser.

    I suggest you check also with the native device simulator of Google Chrome after deleting the browser cache. To open the simulator:

    • RIght-click
    • Click on Inspect
    • Click on the device icon on the left of “Elements”

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter bap23rd


    Hi Jose,

    I thought what I said earlier was the issue, but it seems not. I do think the issue is with my WordPress, but I am not sure what.

    The Homepage works on my local site, but I cloned the site onto an Azure server, and the same issue has appeared again.

    Here is the link to the Hompage: https://strideindustries.azurewebsites.net/

    Testing it on a real phone or the virtual gives the same results, the homepage only loads the desktop version.

    Plugin Author Jose


    Hi @bap23rd

    I’ve checked the homepage that you shared.
    The mobile page has ID = 455, and the desktop page has ID = 455, so exactly the same pages. This is very strange.

    I suggest you the following steps:

    • Create a new page, call it for example Testing Homepage Desktop
    • Add to that page just the content “This is desktop”
    • Set that page as the frontpage
    • Add the mobile version of that page. Call it for example Testing Homepage Mobile
    • Add to that page just the content “This is mobile”
    • Check the backend in Pages. Do you see the right icons (mobile and desktop)?

    Check if you have the same issue on the frontend. If so, I suggest you these other steps:

    • Install and activate Freesoul Deactivate Plugins
    • Go to Freesoul Deactivate Plugins => Plugin Manger => Singles => Pages
    • Both on the row of Testing Homepage and Testing Homepage Mobile disable all the plugins, but keep active Specific Content For Mobiile
    • Save the changes
    • Check again if you have the same issue.

    At this point we should know:

    • If in the backend all is ok
    • If keeping only Specific Content For Mobile. on the testing pages you have the same issue

    If in the backend all is ok, and on the frontend you still have. the same issue after disabling all other plugins, the theme may be the cause of the issue.
    In this case, please switch to a default WordPress theme, and let me know if you still have the same issue.

    After all the tests above we should know something more.

    If you discover that the cause of the issue is one of your plugins, you can enable them one after the other with Freesoul Deactivate Plugins until you find that one that gives the issue. If you find it, please let me know the name of that plugin.

    If nothing helps. I will give you more suggestions.

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter bap23rd


    Hi Jose,

    I think I have found the issue, but I am not sure what is causing it?

    In this video I have attatched it shows what is wrong.
    No matter what page is set as the Front Page, it gets overridden by the main theme template that I changed to look like my website homepage.

    My WordPress should be set to have any page as a front page, so I am not sure how this is happening?

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